Dear colleagues,
The *EuroVis PhD Award* recognizes outstanding dissertations in academic research and
development covering topics relevant to visualization. The intent of this award is to
recognize excellent young researchers in their early career and to highlight visualization
Aligned with the Eurographics PhD Award, the awardees of the EuroVis PhD Award will
offered the opportunity to publish the state of the art section of their thesis as a STAR
in the Computer Graphics Forum Journal.
All dissertations by PhD researchers from the European visualization community (e.g.,
through contributions to the EuroVis conference) that were defended and awarded a doctoral
degree between Jan 1, 2021 and Dec 31, 2022 are eligible for the 2023 competition.
The PhD researcher's advisor should email the nomination package to<> ; it should contain:
- A nomination letter written by the advisor including the name, email address,
CV and publication list of the candidate, the dates when the dissertation was defended and
when the degree was awarded, and a one-page summary of the significance of the
- The PDF of the dissertation (or a download link).
- Optional additional letters of recommendation can also be attached.
Deadline for nominations is January 31, 2023. See also<https://eur02.safelinks.protect…
Feel free to contact me through<> in case of questions.
Best regards
Thomas Ertl (committee chair)