SG07: 7th International Symposium on SMART GRAPHICS
June 25-27 2007
Kyoto, Japan
Submission deadline: Feb 16, 2007
Graphics become Smart Graphics when their design and implementation
are grounded in an understanding of human abilities, activities, and
motivations from design experience and the broad spectrum of cognitive
and social sciences.
When knowledge from these diverse fields is combined with new methods,
tools and techniques in AI, HCI and computer graphics, environments
are created that
(1) engage the user and are esthetically satisfying;
(2) participate in human cognition as external or distributed
(3) are sensitive to the real-time demands of the interaction in the
context of the available informational and computational
resources; and
(4) adapt the form of the output according to a wider set of
constraints such as an individual's perceptual, attentive, and
motor abilities and the nature of the presentation media and
available interaction devices.
The International Symposium on Smart Graphics brings together people
from the fields of Cognitive Science, Computer Graphics, Artificial
Intelligence and Graphics Design to build this new and emerging area
of study. A partnering event, for which we encourage participation is
the 7th Creativity and Cognition Conference (CC2007).
Another partner-event is the Visual Computing / Graphics & CAD symposium,
which takes place in Osaka, Japan (Jun 23-24).
SG07 welcomes submissions from computer graphics, HCI & AI researchers
and practitioners, cognitive scientists, artists and graphic designers
interested in a theroetically motivated interdisciplinary approach to
the design of interactive visual, auditory, and haptic displays.
It is planned to publish the proceedings in the Springer LNCS series,
as in the previous years (formal approval pending).
For a full description of the scope of the Symposium, and details of
previous events see the website:
Contact: Brian Fisher (fisher(a)
Submission Categories:
Full papers
System demonstrations and artwork
Important Dates:
Feb 16, 2007 (submission deadline)
Mar 16, 2007 (notification of results)
Mar 30, 2007 (camera ready copy due)
Jun 25-27 (Symposium in Kyoto)
(after the Visual Computing / Graphics & CAD symposium,
June 23-24, Osaka)
Andreas Butz (University of Munich, Germany)
Brian Fisher (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Antonio Krueger (University of Muenster, Germany)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Shigeru Owada (Sony CSL)
COMMITEE: (more to be confirmed)
Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg)
William Bares (Millsaps College)
Marc Cavazza (Teeside University)
Marc Christie (Université de Nantes)
Sarah Diamond (Ontario College of Art and Design)
Steven Feiner (Columbia University)
Knut Hartmann (University of Magdeburg)
Hiroshi Hosobe (National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Rainer Malaka (European Media Lab)
Jun Mitani (University of Tsukuba)
W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
Bernhard Preim (University of Magdeburg)
Thomas Rist (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg)
Shigeo Takahashi (Univ. of Tokyo)
Takafumi Saito (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Lucia Terrenghi (University of Munich)
Massimo Zancanaro (ITC-irst Trento)
Michelle Zhou (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz
Institut für Informatik
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstrasse 17
80333 München
Tel.: +49-89-2180-4665
Sekr.: +49-89-2180-4650
Fax: +49-89-2180-4652