Lecturers in Computer Science (multiple posts)
The School of Computing at the University of Leeds invites applications for
a number of Lecturer posts at either Grade 8 (this advert) or Grade 7. We
are a highly-ranked academic department with a vibrant research culture and
a commitment to excellence in our teaching. We are recruiting these posts in
support of our current and planned growth in both fundamental and applied
computer science. The positions are open-ended research and teaching
academic positions, with start dates as early as January 2022, or as soon as
possible thereafter.
As a Lecturer you will have a PhD (or equivalent experience) in Computer
Science or a related field, an ambitious research vision, and the ability to
carry out excellent research and teaching in Computer Science. We are
seeking candidates whose research demonstrably aligns with one or more of
our existing research themes, however we would particularly welcome
applications from candidates with research interests in Algorithms &
Complexity, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
We welcome applications from both academic and non-academic organizations,
from future colleagues who wish to work part-time or flexibly, and we
particularly encourage women and members of ethnic minorities or other
under-represented groups to apply.
Full details are available at:
Hamish Carr, Ph.D.
School of Computing
University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds LS2 9JT
+44 113 343 7042