We are looking for an enthusiastic and open-minded person to conduct
Computer Graphics research with the ability to work in a team as well as
communicative and organizational skills. The PhD research focusses on
enhanced scene capturing and reconstruction, that is the development and
implementation of efficient methods for the representation and fusion of
RGB-D sensor data on graphics hardware.
We expect applicants to have a Master's degree in Computer Science (or
equivalent) with a focus on visual computing or computer graphics, combined
with very good programming (C++ and GPU) and English skills, and basic
knowledge of 3D scene reconstruction and machine learning.
Please contact Prof. Andreas Kolb <mailto:andreas.kolb@uni-siegen.dein>
andreas.kolb(a)uni-siegen.dein case you are interested or have any question
about this open position. Visit our website
https://www.cg.informatik.uni-siegen.de/ or the ZESS website
https://www.zess.uni-siegen.de to learn
more about the environment.