Call for papers UDMV2016
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the modelling and visualisation
of the city at various temporal and spatial scales and aims at sharing
associated techniques, methods, uses and points of view. Managing and
understanding urban data are major issues as they are represented by several
kind of different data at different scales. Urban data not only embed the
geometry of the city model, but also data related to human activities (e.g.
social data, transportation, mobility, history), to physical phenomena (e.g.
light, wind, heat), and to environment (e.g. geography, climate).
Thus, their processing is a big challenge for current GIS and computing
capabilities, especially considering all the sustainable development
parameters related to architectural design, urban planning and urban climate
studies; but also considering the specific needs of entertainment, cultural
heritage or any domains using urban data. The workshop aims to gather in a
same place GIS, BIM and computer graphics communities.
Important dates
July 20, 2016: Paper submission
September 5, 2016: Author notification
October 10, 2016: Camera-ready paper
December 8, 2016: Workshop
Following the success of the 3rd workshop on Urban Data Modelling and
Visualisation as a single event in Delft, NL, the 4th edition of the
workshop is organised by the Faculty of Architecture and the Geomatics Unit
of the University of Liège. Under the auspice of the Eurographics
organization, the workshop will be held on December 8th in Liège, Belgium.
Once again, we expect fruitful exchanges by the involvement of the computer
graphics, the geoinformation and the GIS communities.
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
Modelling the static and dynamic features of the city (spatio-temporal
Multi-scale geometric data (from building scale to urban scale)
Multi-scale temporal data (from real time to history time)
Visualisation of several urban data layers (aggregated indicators)
Visual analytics using urban data (decision making processes and CAD)
Expected contributions are research papers, 6 pages in EG publication
format, presenting unpublished methods, algorithms and techniques with
established results. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the
conference by one of the authors, and will be published in the EG Digital
Workshop Chair
Pierre Hallot (Faculty of Architecture/University of Liège/Belgium) and
Roland Billen (Geomatics Unit/University of Liège/Belgium)
Program Chairs
Vincent Tourre (CRENAU/AAU/ECN/France) and
Filip Biljecki (3D Geoinformation group/TU Delft/Netherlands)
More details to be found in attachment and on the website: