ACM WEB3D 2005 Symposium:
The 10th International Conference on 3D Web Technology
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH
In association with the Web3D Consortium and Eurographics
Corporate Contributer: Welsh Development Agency
March 29-April 1, 2005, Bangor, Wales, UK
Paper Submission: November 12, 2004
Workshop & Tutorial Proposal: Extended to November 12, 2004
Notification: December 20, 2004
Camera-Ready Submission: January 12, 2005
Tenth in the series, the international Web3D 2005 Symposium will focus on
every aspect of 3D technologies on the Internet, ranging from languages,
tools and high performance 3D graphics to human-computer interaction issues.
Particular themes of Web3D 2005 will be the latest mobile applications, and
the use of Web3D in medical applications.
The annual Web3D Symposium is a major event which unites researchers,
developers, experimenters, and content creators in a dynamic learning
environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing, or
creating new 3D Web technology such as X3D, VRML, MPEG4, OpenHSF, and
Authors are invited to submit their work for careful review by the
International Program Committee. Both research and applications papers are
of interest to Web3D 2005.
All content must be innovative and meaningful to the advancement of 3D
technologies on the Web. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* 3D graphics for wireless PDAs and cellular phones
* Web3D content for medical education, training and simulation
* Animated humanoids and complex reactive characters
* Computer Aided Design technology and methods for lossless
cross-application data exchange
* Geometry/object behaviours in Web3D settings
* High performance 3D graphics for distributed environments and
tele-operation systems
* Innovative user interface paradigms for navigating real-time 3D graphics
environments and Web3D worlds
* Interaction methods for Web-based 3D graphics systems
* Methods for designing, representing, interacting with, and visualizing
complex geometry and structure
* Multimodal user interaction in Web3D worlds
* Specifications, languages, or abstractions for specifying 3D geometry and
their behaviours
Submission of WORKSHOP and TUTORIAL ideas are also welcome.
Submit papers of up to 9 pages (including figures and references) in PDF
format by 11:59pm GMT, November 12, 2004 via the Submissions Web Page.
Papers must be formatted using the ACM SIGGRAPH document templates. After
acceptance, the final revised paper is required also in electronic form.
For Workshop and Tutorial proposals, please read the instructions on the
site and email the Conference Chairs at
web3d2005-chair(a)informatics.bangor.ac.uk to discuss your idea.
Accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings,
published by ACM Press.
* Nigel John, University of Wales, Bangor
* Sandy Ressler, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
Contact: web3d2005-chair(a)informatics.bangor.ac.uk
* David Duce, Oxford Brookes University, UK
* Luca Chittaro, HCI Lab, University of Udine, Italy
Contact: web3d2005-pcchairs(a)informatics.bangor.ac.uk
Marc Alexa, Darmstadt University of Technology
Fernando Bello, Imperial College London
Christian Bouville, France Telecom, R&D Division
Ken Brodlie, University of Leeds
Wolfgang Broll, Fraunhofer FIT
Don Brutzman, Naval Postgraduate School
Len Bullard, Intergraph Public Safety
George S. Carson, GSC Associates
Gordon Clapworthy, University of Luton
Raimund Dachselt, Dresden University of Technology
Samuel DeGrande, University of Lille
Enrico Gobbetti, CRS4, Visual Computing Group, Italy
Zhisheng Huang, Vrije University Amsterdam
Nigel John, University of Wales, Bangor
Mark Jones, University of Wales, Swansea
Jan Kautz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, MIRALab, University of Geneva
Kay Melzer, University of Applied Sciences, Dortmund
Igor Pandzic, University of Zagreb
Tony Parisi, President, Media Machines
Nicholas Polys, Virginia Tech
Richard Puk, Intelligraphics Inc.
Roberto Ranon, HCI Lab, University of Udine
Sandy Ressler, NIST
Jonathan Roberts, University of Kent
Jiri Zara, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic