6th International Conference on Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics,
Visualisation and Interaction in Africa
Venue: Centurion Lake Hotel
Place: Pretoria, South Africa
Date of Conference: 4-6 February 2009
French version available at:
Conference Web-site:
AFRIGRAPH2009 is the 6th International Conference on Virtual Reality,
Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction in Africa. AG2009 is
organized by the African Graphics Association (AFRIGRAPH).
AG2009 welcomes contributions in the form of full papers or short papers.
The conference particularly welcomes contributions that focus on Computer
Graphics in the developing world; addressing the use of Computer Graphics in
urban renewal, rural development, health, education, environment and the
African arts and media.
However, contributions will be accepted from all areas related to virtual
reality, computer graphics, visualization and interaction. Topics include
(but are not limited to):
- Rendering
- Parallel algorithms for graphics
- Computer vision for graphics
- Computational Geometry
- Computer animation
- Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence
- Graphics in the Developing Country Context
- Education and Computer Graphics
- Interactive Application Development
- Visualization and Simulation
- Perceptually-based graphics techniques
- Image analysis and processing
- Multimedia
- Medical Imaging
- Computer Aided Design and Prototyping
- 3D Modelling
- Data Acquisition
- Human Computer Interaction
- Special and Visual Effects
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically via the submissions page. All
contributions must be written and presented in English. Papers will be
reviewed by an International Programme Committee and the Conference
proceedings will be published by ACM SIGGRAPH and also appear in the ACM
Digital Library. The best two papers (as decided by the Programme Chairs in
consultation with the Programme Committee) will be republished in the
journal Computer Graphics Forum. There will also be an award for the best
Important dates:
* Paper and Tutorial submission deadline: 13 October 2008
* Notification of acceptance: 12 November 2008
* Final version due: 28 November 2008
Apologies for cross posts.