Dear colleagues,
Please note that the nomination period for the Eurographics Awards is open.
The following categories are open in 2023:
- Young Researcher
- Outstanding Techical Contribution
Please follow the instructions in the corresponding web page (
https://www.eg.org/wp/eurographics-awards-programme/ ) and send your nominations to the EG
Awards chair (r.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it <mailto:r.scopigno@isti.cnr.it> ) not later
than October 21st, 2022.
Remember that your contribution is a key element of the committee work.
As far concerns the Eurographics PhD awards, please follow the instructions published at:
and notify your suggestions the PhD Award chair, Pierre Alliez (pierre.alliez(a)inria.fr
<mailto:pierre.alliez@inria.fr> )
With my best regards,
Roberto Scopigno
EG Awards chair
email: r.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it <mailto:r.scopigno@isti.cnr.it>
Roberto Scopigno
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI)
National Research Council (CNR)
Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa ITALY
phone: +39 050 315 2929 cell: +39 348 396 6819
secretary: +39 050 315 2878
fax: +39 050 315 2811
email: roberto.scopigno(a)isti.cnr.it <mailto:roberto.scopigno@isti.cnr.it>