Deadline Extended: Cyberworlds 2007, HAPTEX'07 & NASAGEM'07
[Apologies if you received it in multiple copies or do not want to
receive it at all]
After many requests from authors and because of the long public holiday
"Golden Week" in many Asian countries, the submission deadline has been
extended till May 25 (for the main conference and both workshops). This
is the final deadline and we will not accept any submission after May
If you are considering to submit a paper, you can register an account
with us at
and submit a tentative title and authors, so that we can stay in
contact with you. As long as the deadline is not reached, you can
always edit or withdraw your submission.
If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them via
email to hcw2007(a)
Best Regards;
Franz-Erich Wolter
Conference and Program Co-Chair of CW 2007
PS: If you missed the Call for Papers before, you can find them at