Apologies for cross postings.
Call for Contributions
IEEE Virtual Reality 2015
March 23-27, 2015
Arles, Camargue - Provence - France
Important Dates
Long & Short Papers abstracts September 5, 2014
Long & Short Papers September 12, 2014
Industrial Presentations October 13, 2014
Lab/Project Presentations October 27, 2014
Panels November 10, 2014
Workshops November 19, 2014
Tutorials November 21, 2014
Posters November 21, 2014
Videos December 26, 2014
Research Demos January 19, 2015
Call for Long & Short Papers
IEEE VR 2015 seeks original, high-quality papers in all areas related to
virtual reality, including augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and
3D user interfaces. Each paper should be classifiable as mainly covering
research, applications, or systems, using the following guidelines for each:
* Research papers should describe results that contribute to advances
in state-of-the-art software, hardware, algorithms, interaction, or human
* Application papers should explain how the authors built upon
existing ideas and applied them to solve an interesting problem in a novel
way. Each paper should include an evaluation of the success of the use of
VR/AR/MR in the given application domain.
* System papers should indicate how the implementers integrated known
techniques and technologies to produce an effective system, along with any
lessons learned in the process.
Each paper should include an evaluation of the research, including
benchmarking that was performed (e.g., latency or frame-rate).
Topics include:
* Immersive gaming
* 3D interaction for VR/AR/MR
* Input devices for VR/AR/MR
* Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
* VR systems and toolkits
* Augmented and mixed reality
* Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
* Advanced display technology
* Immersive projection technology
* Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
* Serious games
* Tracking and sensing
* Modeling and simulation
* User studies and evaluation
* Perception, presence, and cognition
* 3D selection and 3D manipulation
* Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
* Applications of VR/AR/MR
* Teleoperation and telepresence
This year, we will continue the process of having all accepted long papers
published in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics (TVCG). To meet TVCG standards, long papers will undergo a
two-stage review process (see SUBMISSION DEADLINES below). Authors of long
papers that are determined to be acceptable with minor revisions during a
first review cycle will be invited to submit a revised version for a second
review cycle. Only long papers that are accepted in this second review cycle
will appear in the journal issue and be presented at the conference.
Short papers can cover preliminary studies, prototype applications, or
initial implementations. Short papers will be published separately in the
standard conference proceedings. The primary difference between short and
long papers is in the size of their contributions and NOT in the
importance/impact of their contributions. To assure this, short and long
papers will be treated as separate tracks and will be accepted or rejected
according to the merit of their contributions. In general, rejected long
papers will NOT be considered for acceptance as short papers, unless the
reviewers unanimously feel this is the right decision, and rewriting is
determined to be doable in the time available. Consequently, authors should
carefully consider the category for each submitted paper.
Note that an abstract must be uploaded prior to the paper. This facilitates
assigning reviewers, as the review process is on a tight schedule. All paper
submissions must be in English. Long papers must not exceed ten (10) pages
in length, with the caveat that the standard is eight (8) pages. Short
papers must not exceed six (6) pages in length. If the reviewers find a
paper overly long for the size of its contribution, they may ask for it to
be shortened it if it is accepted. Both long and short papers should be
formatted using the IEEE Computer Society format described at
http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~vis/Track/vr-menu.html. For index terms, please use
the descriptors from the ACM Computing Classification System, located at
http://www.acm.org/class. For paper and abstract
submissions please visit <https://precisionconference.com/%7Evr>
IEEE VR uses a double-blind review process, meaning both the authors and the
reviewers remain anonymous to each other. Submissions (including citations
and optional videos) should not contain information that unnecessarily
identifies the authors, their institutions, or their places of work.
Relevant previous work by the authors should be cited in the third person to
preserve anonymity. In order to fully explain the relationship between the
submitted paper and relevant previous work by the authors, authors may
additionally upload previous papers as well as a non-anonymous letter of
explanation; these materials will only been seen by the primary reviewer.
All papers must be submitted electronically.
Authors may also submit videos to aid the program committee in reviewing
their submissions. Videos must be submitted according to the instructions at
the conference website. Videos submitted with papers will automatically be
considered for possible inclusion in the video proceedings (video
submissions may also be made independently, as described in the « Call for
Videos »). When submitted as supporting material, videos must be free of
identifying information. If accepted for the video proceedings, a revised
version will be requested.
Paper submissions must not have been previously published. A paper is
considered to have been previously published if it has appeared in a
peer-reviewed journal, magazine, book, or meeting proceedings that is
reliably and permanently available afterward in print or electronic form to
non-attendees, regardless of the language of that publication. A paper
identical or substantially similar in content (in its entirety or in part)
to one submitted to VR should not be simultaneously under consideration for
another conference or journal during the entire VR review process, from the
submission deadline until notifications of decisions are emailed to authors.
Each deadline is midnight GMT on the stated day, no matter where the
submitter is located.
Long & Short Paper abstracts due (REQUIRED): September 5, 2014
Long & Short Paper submissions due: September 12, 2014
Notification of results of first review cycle: November 4, 2014
Revised paper submission due for second review cycle (REQUIRED FOR LONG
PAPERS): December 5, 2014
** The submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. **
Paper abstracts and complete papers must be submitted through the online
submission system.
For more information, please contact the Program Chairs: programchairs [at]
J. Edward Swan II, Mississippi State University
Victoria Interrante, University of Minnesota
Tobias Höllerer, University of California, Santa Barbara
Anatole Lécuyer, Inria