********** CALL FOR REGISTRATION **********
Third Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations
(VRIPhys '06)
Móstoles, Madrid, Spain, 6th-7th November2006
This is the third edition of the workshop organized in cooperation with Eurographics.
The workshop is an international forum for researchers in the domains of dynamic
and physical interaction in computer graphics. This year there will be sessions in
Objects, Collision Detection, Dynamic and Medical Simulations. There are two invited talks
a session of posters and demos.
This a short summary of the program (find further details at
http://www.vriphys.org/workshops/vriphys06/?section=program )
Day 1 : November 6th 2006
Invited talk:
Matthias Müller-Fischer (AGEIA)
"Physically Based Simulation - Academic Research and What Works in Games"
Session 1: Deformable objects
* Non structured meshes for Cloth CPU simulation using FEM
A. Susin, J. Rodriguez Navarro
* Deformable hybrid approach for haptic interaction
M. Gonzalo Mero., A. Susín
* Animating Shapes at Arbitrary Resolution with Non-Uniform Stiffness
M. Nesme, Y. Payan,F. Faure
* Local Constraint Methods for Deformable Objects
M. Gissler, M. Becker, M. Teschner
Session 2: Collision detection and topological operations
* Kinetic Separation Lists for Continuous Self Collision Detection
R. Weller, G. Zachmann
* Collision Detection between a Complex Solid and a Particle Cloud assisted by
Programmable GPU
J. Jiménez Delgado, C. Ogáyar Anguita, R. Segura Sánchez, F. Feito Higueruela
* Efficient Updates of Bounding Sphere Hierarchies for Geometrically Deformable Models
J. Spillmann, M. Becker, M. Teschner
* Partitioning Meshes into Strips using the Enhanced Tunnelling Algorithm
M. Porcu, R. Scateni
Posters & sponsors presentations
Day 2: November 7th 2006
Invited talk: Victor Gonzalez and Ignacio Vargas (NextLimit)
"Fluids Applications and Challenges"
Session 3: Dynamic simulation
* Position Based Dynamics
M. Mueller-Fischer, B. Heidelberger, M. Hennix, J. Ratcliff
* Fast Dynamic Simulation of Multi-Body Systems Using Impulses
J. Bender, A. Schmitt
Session 4: Medical Simulation
* Real Time Simulation of Phaco-emulsification for Cataract Surgery Training
M. Agus, E. Gobbetti, G. Pintore, G. Zanetti, A. Zorcolo, CRS4
* Virtual Resectoscope Interface for a Surgery Simulation Training System of the
M. Padilla Castañeda, F. Altamirano del Monte, F. Arámbula Cosío
* Simulating Prostate Surgical Procedures with a Discrete Soft Tissue Model
M. Maud, P. Emmanuel, T. Jocelyne
Registration for VRIPhys is now open.
Early registration (before October 15th):
* Non student: 120 euros
* Student: 100 euros
Regular registration (after October 15th):
* Non student: 220 euros
* Students: 180 euros
Please, find the details in:
Venue and accommodation details can be found on the conference website.
We will be glad to meet you there.
Cesar Mendoza
VRIPhys co-chair