Eurographics 2008 - Crete -
Now that the deadline for full papers for Eurographics 2007 has passed
it is time to start thinking about writing a full paper for Eurographics
As announced at the General Assembly in Vienna, the conference is moving
to a spring-time slot (February to April period) with paper submission
deadline in late September/early October. In making this decision the
Executive Committee canvased a wide spectrum of interested parties and
concluded that this change would be in the best interests of the
research community so that the submission deadlines for Eurographics and
ACM SIGGRAPH conferences are now widely separated. This change is for a
three year trial period, starting in 2008.
We are delighted to announce that Eurographics 2008 will be held from 14
- 18 APRIL 2008 in Crete. The event is organized by the Foundation for
Research and Technology- Hellas (FORTH), one of the largest research
organisations in Greece, whose activities span a wide range of areas
including molecular biology, biomedical engineering, computer science
and robotics. The co-chairs of the event are Panos Trahanias (FORTH
Institute of Computer Science), Costantine Stephanidis (FORTH Institute
of Computer Science) and Nigel John (University of Wales, Bangor, UK).
The IPC Programme Chairs are George Drettakis (INRIA) and Roberto
Scopigno (ISTI Pisa).
As well as the conference dates, please note NOW in your diaries the key
deadlines for full papers:
+ Deadline for Abstracts: Sept. 21st
+ Paper deadline: Sept 26th
+ Notification of decisions: Nov 19th
The conference web site is under construction at - please monitor this for news of the
event, details of the venue and the full composition of the organising
committee which will be announced shortly.
David Duce (Eurographics Chairman 2007-)
Hans-Peter Seidel (Eurographics Chairman 2005-6)