Call for Papers:
EuroVis 2008
Eurographics/IEEE Computer Society VGTC Symposium on Visualization
May 26-28, 2008
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
* Important Dates
Conference dates: 26-28 May
Fri, 30th November - Abstract submission
Fri, 7th December - Paper submission
Fri, 15th February - First reviewing cycle notification
Fri, 14th March - Paper submission for second reviewing cycle
Wed, 26th March - Final notification
Thu, 17th April - Camera ready copy
* Aims and Scope:
EuroVis 2008 is the tenth annual visualization symposium (formerly known as
'VisSym'), jointly organised by the Eurographics Working Group on Data
Visualization and the IEEE Computer Society Visualization and Graphics
Technical Committee.
We invite you to participate in EuroVis 2008, to be held in Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, May 26-28, 2008.
We invite papers reporting significant new research results and practical
applications of visualization. Contributions from all areas of visualization
are welcome.
We are glad to announce that EuroVis 2008 will for the first time publish
papers which are accepted to the symposium after a two-stage review process
in an issue of Computer Graphics Forum, the International Journal of the
Eurographics Association.
* Topics:
Suggested topics for research papers include, but are not limited to:
* Theoretical foundations of visualization
* Perception in visualization
* Usability and human factors in visualization
* Non-spatial data visualization
* Information visualization
* Software visualization
* Visual analytics
* Graph visualization
* Time series data visualization
* Spatial data visualization
* Surface extraction
* Volume visualization
* Medical and biomedical visualization
* Vector/Tensor field visualization
* Flow visualization
* Multi-field visualization
* Time-varying visualization
* GPU based visualization
* Large data visualization
* Feature extraction
* Illustrative visualization
* Uncertainty visualization
* Visualization systems
We also encourage the submission of application papers from different
domains, e.g.:
* Physical sciences and engineering
* Earth, space and environmental sciences
* Bioinformatics, life sciences, medical research and practice
* Business and finance
* Submission information:
Paper submission is electronic only. Full details, including formatting
instructions and the submission procedure are provided at the Eurovis
Submission site:
Papers should be formatted according to the EG publication guidelines
( You are strongly recommended to
use the EG LaTeX style files available [zip file, or gzip'd tar file].
Papers should not exceed 8 pages in length.
Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and will appear in the
Computer Graphics Forum.
Supplementary material (e.g. videos) can also be provided, and will be
considered when the paper is reviewed; see the submission site for full
* Conference Location
EuroVis 2008 will be held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The region is
considered the industrial and technological mainstay of the Netherlands. 50%
of the Dutch research & development expenditure occurs in this region. A
large number of high-tech enterprises, including the multinational Philips
Electronics group, Océ, ASML, DAF, DSM and the Philips High-Tech Campus are
situated next to the renowned Philips Research. It is an attractive location
in a natural environment that is close to the Randstad
(Amsterdam-Rotterdam), the industrial Ruhr area in Germany, and the European
business centers of Antwerp and Brussels. There is direct connections to the
European road system and the European railway network, and there are
European direct flights to Eindhoven Airport. The conference will be held at
the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology located close to the
center of Eindhoven.
* Symposium Co-Chairs
Anna Vilanova Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Alexandru Telea Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Gerik Scheuermann Leipzig University, Germany
Torsten Möller Simon Fraser University, Canada