High Performance Graphics, in league with Facebook Reality Labs, is
introducing a new
c723107ee6fd6c13&id=73ef52e559&e=7646659f71> student scholarship program for
funding travel and expenses to attend the HPG 2019 conference, to a select
group of students from underrepresented groups working in graphics and
related research areas. Our program provides travel and registration
scholarships to HPG, being held in beautiful Strasbourg, France, July
Program Information
We aim to fund junior students, broadly in high performance computer
graphics and related research areas (high-performance computer vision,
machine learning, compiler and language technology). Eligible students are
Ph.D. students in the first few years of their program, strong master's
students, and strong undergraduate students who are genuinely interested in
research. We offer three scholarship tiers:
* Full scholarships - 2,500 dollars reimbursement of eligible travel
* Half scholarships - 1,250 dollars reimbursement of eligible travel
* Registration scholarships - Free registration to the conference
(ideal for students local to the Strasbourg region).
Eligible expenses include air or ground transportation, meals, and hotel or
other lodging costs. In order to be fully reimbursed the attendee must
register for the conference (we will provide a free registration code),
check in, and attend the entire conference (to the best of their ability), a
special introduction and lunch event for scholarship recipients.
The application process will be a bit informal as this is our first year
implementing the program. If you qualify as a member of an underrepresented
group, please consider applying! We define underrepresented loosely as
including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, gender, disability status,
nationality, and socioeconomic background.
We ask that you submit the following information to
diversity(a)highperformancegraphics.org. Application material requirements are
described below. Documents should be Word compatible or PDF.
Requirement 1: Identification and Benefits
Please answer the following three questions in one ~500 word essay.
1. In what way do you associate with an underrepresented group?
2. What academic and/or professional benefits do you hope to receive
from this scholarship?
3. What do you hope to or believe you can contribute to the high
performance graphics community?
Please be as specific as possible in your answers. However, we understand
these are somewhat open ended questions.
Requirement 2: Experiences with Computer Graphics
Please provide a brief ~500 word write up describing your work in computer
graphics and related fields. Provide a brief (few sentences) synopsis of
each of your projects, preferably research projects, or ideas. These can be
past, current, or future. Please also mention and submit copies of any
publications, patents, tech reports, etc. that will help us evaluate the
applicability of your work.
Please be as specific as possible in your project descriptions, while
remaining concise.
Requirement 3: CV
Please simply provide an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae.
Please send all the following to the HPG diversity chair at
* Full Name.
* Contact email address.
* Address traveling from, to HPG.
* University or institution enrolled.
* Program enrolled in (Ph.D, Masters, and Undergrad)
* All application materials, i.e., both essays, curriculum vitae, and
PDF or Word copies of any publications not specifiable via links.
Recipient information
All applicants are competing for all scholarships by default. If only one
type is acceptable or desired, e.g. registration scholarship only, please
make that clear in the submission email. We repeat, for clarity, this
scholarship is reimbursement based. We guarantee reimbursement of all
eligible expenses, up the limit of the scholarship received, in as timely a
manner as possible.
We wish you all luck and success in your future careers, studies, research
and development ventures.
Apollo Isaac Orion Ellis
HPG 2019 Diversity Chair
David McAllister
HPG 2019 General Chair