3rd and final call for contributions - Posters &
EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
4-6 September, Salento, IT
We are finally calling for contributions, that might be showcased during the
21st EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
(GCH 2023: <https://www.gch2023.eu/>
as Poster and/or interactive demo. You will have the chance to present and
showcase interesting and
innovative project results at GCH 2023. Therefore, we are inviting you to
propose summaries from research projects,
projects in the field, applications or technical demos to GCH 2023 related
to the core topics of the workshop.
A dedicated space* will be provided to present your work. It will be
accessible to all registered conference participants.
Please, submit your contributions through the SRMSystem at
no later than
30th of June
Further instructions will be provided on how to submit your Poster and
e-Poster to the workshop on acceptance notification.
GCH this year is organised from the 4th to the 6th of September 2023, in the
(still) astonishing location of
Salento (at Convitto Palmieri in Lecce, Italy), and, for the first time, in
co-location with
XRSalento (
A special interactive session dedicated to "XR for Cultural Heritage" will
be jointly organised on the 6th of September.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon in Salento!
The organising committee
*Please, note: you will need to bring your own equipment for showcasing
project results. Only limited space is available.