Call for Papers - IMET 2023
The 3rd International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging
Technologies (IMET 2023) – Technically Co-Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society will be
held in Barcelona on 4-6 October 2023. IMET 2023 is organized by the Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya and the CYENS Centre of Excellence.
The conference is dedicated to the exploration of current practices in the use of emerging
and interactive technologies. The interdisciplinary research topics presented and
discussed at IMET render it a rather unique venue that promotes a dearly needed blend of
technology and applied research. Given the very distinct needs and methodologies of these
both fields, the conference ensures that the presentation and discussion of results is
accessible to both audiences, allows for fruitful discussion and exchange, and still has
great scientific value allowing to promote your latest work in a welcoming mindset. We
further offer post-conference invitations to the best submissions for inclusion in special
journal issues, and includes educational researchers.
IMET has been created in 2021 as the flagship conference of CYENS Centre of Excellence (
<> CYENS constitutes a centre of
excellence and a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus (University
of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology and Open University of Cyprus), the
Municipality of Nicosia, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany) and University
College London (UK).
Best papers will be selected for publication at Computers & Graphics journal (with a
30% extension).
Organising Committees
General Chairs
Nuria Pelechano (Polytechnic University of Catalonia)
Fotis Liarokapis (Cyprus University of Technology/CYENS)
Program Chairs
Damien Rohmer (Ecole Polytechnique)
Ali Asadipour (Royal College of Art)
The main theme of IMET 2023 will be on Interactive Media in relation to: (a) Novel
Technologies and (b) Applications and we invite submissions on the following subjects, as
well the conference's standard topics:
· Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Pervasive computing, Human-computer
interaction, Visualisation techniques, Computer graphics, Multimedia, Virtual reality,
Augmented reality, Eye tracking, Wearables and IoT, Brain computer interfaces, Affective
computing, Computer Animation, Robotics and Vision, Physically Based Modeling, Image
processing, Haptic interfaces, Computer vision, Arts and Cultural Heritage, Health and
Assistive Technologies, Computer Education, Learning and eLearning, Blended Learning,
Serious games and gamification, Game design, User-modelling, Smart cities and Urban
spaces, Tourism and Environment, Pedagogy, Design Management, Evaluation approaches and
studies, User experience, Methodologies, Theories and frameworks, Privacy and Security,
Cartography and GIS, Ethics and ethical considerations
Important Dates
· Paper submission deadline: 12th May 2023
· Short Paper, Poster submission deadline: 26th May 2023
· Demo submission deadline: 16th June 2023
· Workshop proposal deadline: 15th April 2023
· Notification of acceptance for full papers: 6th June 2023
· Notification of acceptance for short papers, posters: 15th June 2023
· Final full paper submission date: 20st June 2023
· Final short papers, posters submission date: 1st July 2023
· Camera ready: 1st August 2023
· Conference: 4-6 Oct 2023
Accepted papers must be presented orally in English at IMET 2023. This event uses a
triple-blind reviewing approach, so please be sure to remove all personal data (such as
authors, affiliations, funding, etc.) from your submission. References to your own work
should be made in the third person to maintain anonymity. Reviewers are asked to keep
confidential all materials sent to them for evaluation. Non-anonymous submissions will be
rejected without review. One registered participant may present up to two papers but each
accepted paper, or poster, with multiple co-authors should have a different conference
Electronic submission of all papers is mandatory and will be conducted using the
<> Easy Chair system. Papers must be
written in English, must be anonymized, and must be formatted according to
<> IEEE standards (A4
template) (regardless of category). IMET accepts 4 types of papers: full papers (8 pages),
short papers (4 pages), poster papers (2 pages) and demo papers (2 pages), including
references. Authors should ensure that their paper fits within the specified length for
their submission track, including references. They should make sure that the work is
original and checked through their institution’s plagiarism software/account (i.e.
All authors will be notified of paper acceptance after the reviewing period is finished.
There is no rebuttal process. Successful submissions will be asked to carefully review
their paper and make any minor modifications requested by reviewers, before uploading the
camera-ready version. All papers will be checked for plagiarism by the reviewers.
Visit our website: <>
All accepted papers (full, short, poster and workshop papers) will be submitted for
inclusion in the IEEE Digital Library.
Prof. Nuria Pelechano, PhD
Associate Professor, Computer Science dept.
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)