/// VMV 2016 - Call for Participation
/// <http://vmv2016.uni-bayreuth.de/>
We invite you to Bayreuth, Germany, to participate in the 21st International
Symposium on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV 2016). It takes place
at the University of Bayreuth from October 10-12, 2016. The early bird
registration deadline is coming up soon (September 11).
We compiled an exciting program with over 20 technical papers, two poster
tracks (see below for details), and three keynotes:
* Eduard Gröller (TU Wien): Visual Data Exploration
* Kai Hormann (Università Della Svizzera Italiana): Generalized Barycentric
* Robert Hoffmeister (Milkroom Studios GmbH): VR & AR: From Research to the
Search for Content and Markets
The festival city of Bayreuth is world-famous for its annual Richard Wagner
music festival. The baroque architecture is impressive, some of which has
been recently added to UNESCO's World Heritage list. The presence of over
13.000 students at the University of Bayreuth ensures an active nightlife.
The VMV Symposium series is a well-established international symposium
covering the fields of computer graphics, computer vision, visualization,
and visual analytics. VMV offers researchers the opportunity to discuss a
wide range of different topics within an open and interdisciplinary
As in previous years, the proceedings will be published in cooperation with
Eurographics. Extended versions of the three best papers will be invited to
Computer Graphics Forum.
Important Dates:
Sep 11, 2016 Early bird registration
Sep 18, 2016 Poster submission deadline
Sep 25, 2016 Poster acceptance notification
Oct 10-12, 2016 VMV 2016 Workshop in Bayreuth, Germany
The registration is open and the early bird deadline is coming up very soon
on September 11. We have a reduced rate for Bachelor/Master/Diploma students
(certificate required). PhD students have to register as regular
The conference fee covers refreshments, snacks, lunch, and public transport
(Stadtbus) on all three days of the conference. It also includes the
conference dinner and the guided city tour. Additional conference dinner
tickets are available at the registration desk during the conference.
Visit the following page to register:
In addition to the papers track, we offer a student posters track as well as
a special "nectar track".
Standard Posters Track
BSc and MSc students are encouraged to submit a poster abstract related to
any area in computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization.
Example works include, but are not limited to student projects as well as
bachelor and masters theses.
Nectar Track
We offer a special poster session for participants who do not present an
accepted paper at VMV 2016. For those people, we offer a small number of
high-profile slots in which they can display a poster that describes one of
their best conference or journal publications within the last two years that
they would like to share and discuss with the VMV 2016 participants. The
goal of the nectar poster session is to provide a compact overview of
important scientific advances that the VMV community has published
See you soon in Bayreuth,
Paper Co-Chairs
Matthias Hullin
Marc Stamminger
Tino Weinkauf
Conference Chair
Michael Guthe