Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this
We have extended our early bird registration deadline till Friday
21st May. Please also note our new program.
Computational Aesthetics 2010
You are invited to participate in the sixth annual Symposium on
Computational Aesthetics that will take place in London from the
14-15 June.
Call for Participation
Invited speakers: Maggie Boden and George Mallen.
Registration is now open at
Registration Fees:
Early Bird (before 15^th May) *** extended till 21st May
£155 Student (CAS/EG)
£205 Student (non-member)
£215 Regular (CAS/EG)
£315 Regular (non-member)
£125 Art contributor*
After 15^th May
£205 Student (CAS/EG)
£255 Student (non-member)
£255 Regular (CAS/EG)
£355 Regular (non-member)
£175 Art contributor*
*Monday 14th June 2010 *
9:20 Welcome
9:30 _Keynote_ Computer Art and Emotions Maggie Boden
10:30 Coffee
_Session 1 Weird Images_
11:00 Realtime Aesthetic Image Retargeting, Ligang Liu and Jin Yong.
11:25 The "In-Between" virtual neighborhood and the "Cellutopia"
engine, Nefeli Dimitriadi and Stavroula Zoi
11:50 Pannini: A New Projection for Rendering Wide Angle Perspective
Images, Daniel German, Thomas Sharpless and Bruno Postle.
12:15 A robust and universal gradient domain imaging solver using
gradient variables and locally varying metrics, Ramon Hegedus and
Laszlo Neumann.
12:40 Lunch
_Session 2 Suggestive Lines_
13:40 Suggestive Hatching, Mayank Singh and Scott Schaefer.
14:05 Two Computers at Leisure Playing Chess in a Park, Timothy Devine
14:30 Recursive scene graphs, Neil Dodgson and Brian Wyvill.
14:55 Line Drawings vs. Curvature Shading: Scientific Illustration
of Range Scanned Artefacts, Christian Hörr, Guido Brunnett and
Christian Vix.
15:20 Interactive volume illustration using intensity filtering,
Marc Ruiz, Imma Boada, Miquel Feixas and Mateu Sbert.
15:45 Coffee
16:15 Art Installation Exploration
17:15 Posters, art & drinks
18:30 Finish
*Tuesday 15th June 2010 *
_Session 3 Magic Brushes_
9:00 Arabic Calligraphy, Salman Alhajri.
9:25 Brush stroke ordering techniques for painterly rendering,
Lesley Northam, Joe Istead and Craig S. Kaplan.
9:50 Stroke Matching for Paint Dances, Simon Colton.
10:15 Coffee
_Session 4 Freaky Geometry_
10:40 Subdivision Beyond Smoothness, Michael Hansmeyer
11:05 A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe), Martin John Callanan.
11:30 Procedural generation of surface detail for science fiction
spaceships, Craig S. Kaplan and Kate Kinnear.
11:55 Discretization of 3D models using voxel elements of different
shapes, Davide Cavagnino and Marco Gribaudo.
12:20 Lunch
13:20 _Invited Talk_ Goose pimples are for humans, what's for
robots? George Mallen
_Session 5 Mental to Metal_
14:00 Bridging the Imaginal Gap: From Mental Image to Computer
Model, Nick Lambert
14:25 Toward Auvers Period: Evolution of van Gogh's Style, Jaume
Rigau, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert and Christian Wallraven.
14:50 Coffee
_Session 6 Crossover_
15:15 The Needle Factory, Jeremy Radvan.
15:40 Learning about Shadows from Artists, Elodie Fourquet.
16:05 From Communication Game to Cities Tango, Ernest Edmonds and
Francesca Franco
16:30 Closing