High-Performance Graphics 2010
Algorithms, Hardware, Systems
Registration is now open for High-Performance Graphics 2010. Come join us
for a strong set of technical papers, keynote talks by Turner Whitted
(Microsoft Research) and Cevat Yerli & Anton Kaplanyan (Crytek), a
reinvigorated poster session and the always exciting Hot 3D systems track.
See the end of this message for a complete paper list and abstract of the
keynote talks.
Early registration runs through June 8th and online registration is open
until June 22nd. There are discounts for ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
members as well as for full-time students. The reduced rate for early
registration expires in just over a week, so reserve your spot today! Visit
http://www.highperformancegraphics.org/ for full details of registration and
for travel and accommodation information. This year we are co-located with
Eurographics Rendering Symposium. Please consider taking full advantage of
your travel costs by attending both conferences.
We are pleased to announce High-Performance Graphics 2010. This conference
continues last year's success at synthesizing two important and cutting-edge
topics in computer graphics:
* Graphics Hardware, represented since 1986 by an annual conference of that
name focusing on graphics hardware, architecture, and systems since 1986.
* Interactive Ray Tracing, represented since 2006 in an innovative symposium
focusing on the emerging field of interactive ray tracing and global
illumination techniques.
By combining these two communities, we bring to authors and attendees the
best of both, while extending the scope of the conference to cover the
overarching field of performance-oriented graphics systems covering
innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, and hardware architecture.
This broader focus offers a common forum bringing together researchers,
engineers, and architects to discuss the complex interactions of massively
parallel hardware, novel programming models, efficient graphics algorithms,
and innovative applications.
Conference Info
Corporate sponsorship by AMD and Intel
Additional corporate sponsorship by Microsoft Research and NVIDIA Sponsored
by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics
The program features three days of paper and industry presentations, with
ample time for discussions during breaks, lunches, and the conference
The conference, which will take place on June 25-27, is co-located with
Eurographics Rendering Symposium on the campus of the Max-Planck Institut
Informatik, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany.
The conference website is located at
Keynote Talks
Turner Whitted, Microsoft Research
* Title: Disaggregated Graphics: Rich Clients for Clouds
* Abstract: We sometimes forget that the famous "wheel of
reincarnation" translates as it rotates, transporting us to unfamiliar
technological territory even if we recognize historical similarities.
So it is with the emergence of cloud computing with its concentrated
computation and wide bandwidth interconnection. It is not, however, a return
to the mainframe computer centers of the 1960s or the client/ server model
of the 1980s. Instead we are offered more computation, more pixels, more
modes of interaction, .... more of everything. We are given so much more
that the change of experience is qualitative, not merely quantitative.
Microsoft Research's vX project is an experiment devised to explore
the client side of this new computing environment. Radically rich visual
computing calls for radically new architectures, programming models, and
approaches to interaction. We are re-examining these venues simultaneously
rather than independently. At the highest level, the vX model insists on
interaction being local even if it is shared among a heterogeneous
collection of devices. At a lower level, the vX programming model emphasizes
local memory access within each of many processing cores. This philosophy
extends to the lowest level of the graphics engine with memory intensive
passive representations being replaced with processor intensive functional
As we progress with this project we find our alignment with
technological trends for processing and interconnection takes us far from
conventional graphics practice. This should be no surprise. It is time for
Cevat Yerli & Anton Kaplanyan, Crytek
* Title: Crytek's Future Game Graphics
* Abstract: We want to share our ten-year expertise of making a
generalized and balanced real-time rendering pipeline on consoles.
Different algorithms for image synthesis will be discussed as well as
different architectures for different workloads. The problems of the current
rendering pipeline and the current generation of consoles will be discussed.
Also we will talk about the new possible applications for real-time graphics
such as movies industry and server-side rendering.
Accepted Papers
Micropolygons I
* Hardware Implementation of Micropolygon Rasterization with Motion and
Defocus Blur
John Brunhaver, Kayvon Fatahalian, Pat Hanrahan
* Space-Time Hierarchical Occlusion Culling for Micropolygon Rendering
with Motion Blur
Solomon Boulos, Edward Luong, Kayvon Fatahalian, Henry Moreton, Pat
Micropolygons II
* A Lazy Object-Space Shading Architecture With Decoupled Sampling
Christopher A. Burns, Kayvon Fatahalian, William R. Mark
* Task Management for Irregular-Parallel Workloads on the GPU
Stanley Tzeng, Anjul Patney, John Owens
Rendering with Volumes
* Real Time Volumetric Shadows using Polygonal Light Volumes
Markus Billeter, Erik Sintorn, Ulf Assarsson
* Ambient Occlusion Volumes
Morgan McGuire
* Large Data Visualization on Distributed Memory Multi-GPU Clusters
Thomas Fogal, Hank Childs, Siddharth Shankar, Jens Krueger, Dan
Bergeron, Philip J. Hatcher
Ray tracing I
* Edge Avoiding A-Trous Wavelet Transform for fast Global Illumination
Holger Dammertz, Daniel Sewtz, Johannes Hanika, Hendrik P. Lensch
* Parallel SAH k-D Tree Construction
Byn Choi, Rakesh Komuravelli, Victor Lu, Hyojin Sung, Robert L.
Bocchino, Sarita V. Adve, John C. Hart
* HLBVH: Hierarchical LBVH Construction for Real-Time Ray Tracing of
Dynamic Geometry
Jacopo Pantaleoni, David Luebke
Ray tracing II
* AnySL: Efficient and Portable Shading for Ray Tracing
Ralf Karrenberg, Dmitri Rubinstein, Philipp Slusallek, Seabastian
* Restart Trail for Stackless BVH Traversal
Samuli Laine
* Architecture Considerations for Tracing Incoherent Rays
Timo Aila, Tero Karras
GPU Algorithms
* A Work-Efficient GPU Algorithm for Level Set Segmentation
Mike Roberts, Jeff Packer, Mario Costa Sousa, Joseph Ross Mitchell
* Random Numbers and Noise via the Tiny Encryption Algorithm
Fahad Zafar, Marc Olano, Aaron Curtis
* Texture Compression of Light Maps using Smooth Profile Functions
Jim Rasmusson, Per Wennersten, Jacob Strom, Michael Doggett, Tomas
Surfaces and rasterization
* Efficient Bounding of Displaced Bezier Patches
Jacob Munkberg, Jon Hasselgren, Robert Toth, Tomas Akenine-Moller
* Analytical Motion Blur Rasterization with Compression
Carl Johan Gribel, Michael Doggett, Tomas Akenine-Moller
* Real-time stochastic rasterization on conventional GPU architectures
Morgan McGuire, Eric Enderton, Peter Shirley, David Luebke
Register today at <http://www.highperformancegraphics.org/>
http://www.highperformancegraphics.org/ !!!