Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On March 15, 2020, Professor Andreas Weber died at the age of 55.
Organizing a ceremony appropriately acknowledging Andreas' commitment
within the scientific community as well as at the University of Bonn,
was impeded due to COVID-19 restrictions.
On the occasion of the second anniversary of his death, we are
organizing a memorial ceremony which will take place using a hybrid
format. On March 15, 2022, 4:15pm - 5:45pm German time we will come
together in Bonn in compliance with COVID-19-regulations, and you will
also have the opportunity to participate remotely. Please find the
program of the ceremony below. If you want to participate at 'Hörsaal 1'
at the 'Hörsaalgebäude des Campus Poppelsdorf'
(Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, D-53115 Bonn), please send an email to
secret2(a) with the subject 'Memorial Andreas Weber' to
register for the ceremony. If you want to participate remotely, no
registration is required. In this case, please use the following Zoom link.
*) Meeting-ID: 947 4493 5058
*) Kenncode: 580290
You are also invited to participate in a winter school which we are
organizing on the same day starting at 10am in the morning. Speakers
include Jan Bender (RWTH Aachen), Jürgen Gall (Bonn University), Björn
Krüger (GME), and Dominik Michels (KAUST). There will also be a keynote
given by Norman Badler (UPenn) starting at 3.15pm right before the
memorial ceremony.
Please find the program and abstracts of the talks on the following webpage.
The winter school takes place at the 'Lecture Hall 1' of the Bonn-Aachen
International Center for Information Technology (b-it) which is located
at Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 6, D-53115 Bonn. The location of the
memorial ceremony is just a two minute walk away. If you want to
participate in the lecture hall, please send an email to
secret2(a) with the subject 'Winter School' to register for
the ceremony. If you want to participate remotely, no registration is
required. In this case, please use the following Zoom link.
*) Meeting-ID: 973 0360 7362
*) Kenncode: 779469
Please mark your calendars and save the date for the ceremony on March
15, 2022, 4:15pm - 5:45pm, and the winter school starting at 10am
(German time).
Reinhard Klein, Björn Krüger, Alexander Markowetz, and Dominik Michels
Memorial Ceremony Program:
*) Music.
*) Welcoming Session: Representatives of University, Faculty, Computer
Science Institute, Visual Computing Department.
*) Andreas Weber’s Research Interests: Representatives of the areas
Computer Algebra, Motion Capture, Motion Data, Rendering, Physics-based
Simulation, Bioinformatics.
*) Andreas Weber’s Teaching Activities: Representatives of Students,
Doctorate Students, Employees.
*) Andreas Weber’s Administration Activities and Social Engagement:
Representatives of Examination Office, Start-ups, Work behind the Scenes.
*) Music.
*) Get-together, Anecdotes: Everyone is invited to stay for this
informal get-together, and share some of the memorable stories we lived
to see with Andreas.
Prof. Dr. Dominik L. Michels
KAUST Visual Computing Center
Computational Sciences Group
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