Stony Brook, New York, USA,
June 22-24, 2005.
The COMPUTER GRAPHICS SOCIETY (CGS) is pleased to announce the COMPUTER
GRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL 2005 (CGI2005) Conference to be held in Stony
Brook, New York, USA, June 22-24, 2005. The conference will be hosted by
the Center for Visual Computing (CVC) and Computer Science Department,
Stony Brook University.
Close by the historic village of Stony Brook at the geographic midpoint of
New York's Long Island, the University campus lies about 60 miles east of
Manhattan. It is only a short distance to the beaches at Fire Island, the
elegant resorts of the Hamptons, and the vineyards of the East End. The
internationally recognized research facilities of Brookhaven National
Laboratory and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are nearby.
CGI 2005 is co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Graphics Society TC-VG,
Eurographics, and Stony Brook CVC, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH
Papers presenting original research are being sought in all areas of
Computer Graphics
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):
Geometric Computing
Shape and Solid Modeling
Physics-Based Modeling
Computer Animation
Rendering Techniques
Scientific and Information Visualization
Real Time Graphics
Multimedia and Digital Media
Interaction Techniques and Human-Computer Interface
Image-Based Techniques
Visual Perception for Graphics
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Graphics Systems, Architecture, and Hardware
Point-based Graphics
Computer Vision
Data Compression for Graphics
Computer Graphics and the Internet (VRML, Java, etc.)
Graphics Applications in Arts, Education, Science, Engineering, Medicine,
Important Dates (CHANGED !)
January 10, 2005: Paper Submission Deadline
February 28, 2005: Papers Notification of Acceptance
March 28, 2005: Camera Ready Papers Due
June 22, 2005: Start of Computer Graphics International 2005
Paper Format
Original unpublished papers of up to 8 pages (single-spaced, 10 point
font, including figures, tables and references) are invited. Manuscripts
must be written in English.
The first part of the paper should include a title, an abstract, keywords,
and author's information (name, title, affiliation, address, phone and fax
numbers, e-mail address). Specific instructions for formatting your paper
can be found at: Any
animation sequences should be provided as an archive .zip file with your
Paper Submission Procedures
All accepted papers will appear in a proceedings book published by IEEE
Computer Society Press. A special issue of best papers will be published
in the Visual Computer journal. Submissions are made electronically, in
PDF format only (no paper copy will be accepted). The conference web site
will be used as a gateway to paper submission system.