Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences (VMLS 2013)
Leipzig, Germany
June 15-17, 2013
*** Call for short papers (extended abstracts) ***
The third international workshop on Visualization in Medicine and Life
Sciences will take place in 2013 (VMLS 2013). After two successful events in
2006 and 2009, VMLS 2013 will, for the first time, be co-located with
EuroVis. The goal of the workshop is to discuss novel visualization
techniques driven by the needs in medicine and life sciences as well as new
application areas and challenges for visualization within these fields. VMLS
2013 intends to generate ideas and concepts for visual analysis of data from
scientific studies of living organs or to the delivery of healthcare. Target
scientific domains include the entire field of biology at all scales - from
genes and proteins to organs and populations - as well as interdisciplinary
research based on technological advances such as bioinformatics,
biomedicine, biochemistry, or biophysics. Moreover, they comprise the field
of medicine and the application of science and technology to healthcare
problems. The workshop will be organized in form of presentation sessions of
invited and contributed talks and will allocate a significant amount of time
to vivid discussions.
We invite short papers (extended abstracts) to be submitted via the EuroVis
submission system.
Accepted papers will be included into the EuroVis online proceedings and
presented in a formal presentation during the workshop.
All presenters will be invited to submit a full paper to the
Accepted full papers will appear in a hard-cover book within the
Mathematics+Visualization series of the Springer-Verlag.
Submission Deadline: March 8, 2013
The workshop will consist of two parts:
. The first part (June 16-17) is by invitation only.
. The second part (June 17-18) is part of the EuroVis 2013 conference and
open to all EuroVis 2013 participants.
. Lars Linsen, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
. Hans-Christian Hege, Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Germany
. Bernd Hamann, University of California, Davis, USA