Apologies for Cross Postings
*** 2009 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR ***
EGVE - the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments
ICAT - the 19th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
EuroVR - the 6th EuroVR (INTUITION) Conference
December 7-9, 2009, Lyon, France
(during the Light Festival see
*** Call for Papers and Short Papers: DEADLINE May 29, 2009 ***
In 2009, the 15th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, the
19th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence,
and the 6th EuroVR (INTUITION) Conference are merged together into the
JVRC09 - Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EGVE - ICAT - EuroVR.
JVRC09 will provide an opportunity for virtual reality researchers,
engineers and users to interact, share new results and new applications,
show live demonstrations of their work, and discuss emerging directions
for the field.
JVRC09 will include an open call for papers, short papers, posters,
demos, lab. presentations, as well as industrial presentations and
exhibitions from industrial partners and research projects in the wider
area of Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality and 3D User Interfaces.
The conference is organized by INRIA, France.
* About EGVE *
EGVE is the Eurographics international symposium for the exchange of
experience and knowledge among researchers and developers concerned with
using and improving virtual environments. It started in 1993 as a
workshop, and the symposium has most recently been held in Zurich 2003,
Grenoble 2004, Aalborg 2005, Lisbon 2006, Weimar 2007 and Eindhoven 2008.
* About ICAT *
ICAT is the oldest international conference on Virtual Reality and
Telexistence. ICAT 2009 follows on from the successful ICAT conferences
held in Tokyo 2003, Coex 2004, Christchurch 2005, Hangzhou 2006, Esbjerg
2007 and Yokohama 2008.
* About EuroVR *
EuroVR is the continuation of the INTUITION Network of Excellence on
Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments for Future Workspaces
www.intuition-eunetwork.net). INTUITION featured 58 partners from 15
countries across Europe, representing the key player in the field at
technology, system, academia, research and industry level. EuroVR 2009
follows on from the five successful INTUTION conferences held in Athens
2004, Paris 2005, Stuttgart 2006, Athens 2007 and Turino 2008.
Original, unpublished papers and short papers documenting new research
contributions, practice and experience, or novel applications, from all
areas of virtual environments, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces, are
invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Display and Projection Technologies
- Tracking & Sensing
- Haptics, Audio and Multimodal Interfaces
- VR system architecture and development
- 3D input and output devices
- Augmented and mixed reality (AR and MR)
- Collaborative and distributed VR
- 3D User Interfaces
- User studies and evaluation
- Presence and cognition
- Interactive rendering, modelling and simulation
- VR, AR, and MR applications
* Submission information *
Submissions of papers and short papers will be on-line in PDF format
only. Information about the submission procedure and formatting
instructions will be available online at
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the
Eurographics symposium series. Additionally, a selection of the best
papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of a journal.
* Important Dates *
May 20, 2009: Deadline for papers and short papers abstracts
May 29, 2009: Deadline for submissions of papers and short papers
July 10, 2009: Notification of acceptance of papers and short papers
* General Co-chairs * (jvrc09_chairs(a)inrialpes.fr)
Sabine Coquillart (INRIA)
Carolina Cruz-Neira (U. of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Yoshifumi Kitamura (Osaka U.)
Dennis Saluäär (Volvo)
* International Program Committee Co-chairs *
Michitaka Hirose (U. of Tokyo)
Dieter Schmalstieg (TU Graz)
Chadwick A. Wingrave (U. of Central Florida)
* Important Contacts*
For more information on other submissions, please visit