7th International Symposium on
Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2009
August 1--2, New Orleans, USA
Call for Participation
Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 26
You are invited to participate in NPAR 2009, the 7th international
symposium dedicated to non-photorealistic animation and rendering,
sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with Eurographics.
Non-photorealistic animation and rendering (NPAR) refers to techniques
for visually communicating ideas and information. Such techniques
usually generate imagery that is expressive, rather than
"photorealistic". This research deals with both the mechanisms of
non-photorealistic rendering techniques as well as the principles of
visual communication via such artistic rendering.
For the second time, NPAR will be co-located with SIGGRAPH in New
Orleans. This will allow us to raise awareness of this important field,
and to make it accessible to new people from academia, the arts, and
industry. Once again NPAR will bring together researchers and
practitioners to showcase cutting-edge research in non-photorealistic
animation and rendering systems and techniques.
More information is available on the NPAR 2009 web site:
Tobias Isenberg and Craig Caplan
NPAR 2009 Program Co-Chairs
--[ Tobias Isenberg ]-------------------[ University of Groningen ]--
| Postbus 407, 9700 AK Groningen phone: +31-50-363-5089 |
| The Netherlands fax: +31-50-363-3800 |
http://www.cs.rug.nl/~isenberg/ ]--------[ isenberg(a)cs.rug.nl ]--