Call for Participation
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2005
Konstanz, Germany, June 29 - July 1
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2005 will be held in Konstanz,
Germany, starting June 29th and ending July 1, 2005. This is an event
in the series of highly successful Eurographics Symposia on Rendering
and the Eurographics Workshops on Rendering, held during the past 15
Website of the conference:
Conference topics
Submissions are invited in (but not limited to) the following areas:
Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
Reflection models and methods
Visibility algorithms
Global illumination methods and approximations
Capturing real-world data for rendering
Human perception and error measures
Non-photorealistic rendering
Computer vision related and image-based rendering algorithms
New rendering hardware and new uses of existing hardware
Systems and software architectures for rendering
Rendering methods for virtual and augmented reality
Real-time rendering algorithms
Parallel rendering algorithms
Point-based rendering
Research and development driven by real-world applications is
encouraged. Authors may submit either short papers (up to 6 pages),
or long papers (up to 12 pages). Only electronic submissions will
be accepted.
International program committee co-chairs
Kavita Bala (US)
Computer Science Department and Program of Computer Graphics
Cornell University
Philip Dutré (BE)
Department of Computer Science
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
International program committee
Philippe Bekaert (BE)
Kadi Bouatouch (FR)
Yiorgos Chrysantou (UK/CY)
Per Christensen (US)
Daniel Cohen-Or (IS)
Julie Dorsey (US)
George Drettakis (FR)
Simon Gibson (UK)
Wolfgang Heidrich (CA)
Henrik Jensen (US)
Jan Kautz (US)
Dani Lischinski (IS)
Michael McCool (CA)
Karol Myszkowski (DE)
Matt Pharr (US)
Erik Reinhard (US)
Ravi Ramamoorthi (US)
Holly Rushmeier (US)
Szymon Rusinkiewicz (US)
Peter Shirley (US)
François Sillion (FR)
Peter-Pike Sloan (US)
Marc Stamminger (DE)
Bruce Walter (US)
Greg Ward (US)
Organizing chairs
Oliver Deussen (DE)
Informatik & Informationswissenschaft
Universität Konstanz
Alexander Keller (DE)
Fakultät für Informatik, Abteilung Medieninformatik
Universität Ulm
Important Dates
Electronic Abstract submission deadline: April 11 (Mon)
Electronic paper submission deadline: April 14 (Thu)
Author Notification: May 23 (Mon)
Camera-ready copy deadline: June 6 (Mon)
Symposium Dates: June 29 - July 1 (Wed-Fri)
A special provision will be made for the submission of rejected
EUROGRAPHICS 2005 papers. The deadline for these papers is April 19. In this
case, the EG reviews should be submitted in conjunction with
the paper.