Hello everyone,
as the publicity chair of the High Performance Graphics conference I would
like to invite you to attend High Performance Graphics 2020 and to submit
your work. High-Performance Graphics is the leading international forum for
performance-oriented graphics and imaging systems research including
innovative algorithms, efficient implementations, languages, compilers,
parallelism, and hardware architectures for high-performance graphics. The
conference brings together researchers, engineers, and architects to
discuss the complex interactions of parallel hardware, novel programming
models, and efficient algorithms in the design of systems for current and
future graphics and visual computing applications.
High-Performance Graphics is co-sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and Eurographics.
The program features three days of paper and industry presentations, with
ample time for discussions during breaks, lunches, and the conference
banquet. The conference is co-located with SIGGRAPH 2020 in Washington,
D.C. and will take place on July 16-18, 2020.
Besides our technical paper and posters track I want to specifically
highlight our student competition on creatively using novel GPU hardware
features as well as our diversity stipend supporting underrepresented
groups in STEM.
Please refer to our website for more details:
Call for participation:
Student competition:
Diversity scholarship:
In the name of the HPG committee I want to thank you and we looki forward
to meeting you at HPG2020 in Washington D.C.