Extended Submission Date:
Abstract submission deadline: May 8, 2007
Deadline for paper submissions: May 15, 2007
Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling
(SBIM '07)
University of California
Riverside, CA, USA
Thursday August 2 - Friday August 3, 2007
Aims and Scope
Most computer user interfaces continue to be based on the keyboard and
mouse. These are good for typing and pointing, but they lack the
naturalness, transparency, and ease-of-use of basic low-tech pencil
and paper. Modern pen computing hardware--in principle--enables fluid
drawing, sketching, and direct manipulation of both text and
graphics. To realize this potential requires effective user interface
designs and underlying algorithms to support them.
This workshop will explore techniques and technologies needed to
enable sketch-based interfaces. The foci will be on methods for
recognition of hand-drawn shapes and interpretation of diagrams and
sketches, and on applications of sketch-based interfaces to a variety
of domains such as 2D/3D graphics, CAD, diagram editing, and
note-taking. Empirical usability studies aimed at clarifying the
nature of sketch-based interfaces and comparing pen input to other
interaction techniques are also welcome.
The workshop is being held in cooperation with Eurographics and the
American Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
(AAAI). The workshop dates of August 2-3 are just prior to
SIGGRAPH. The workshop location is Riverside, California, 1.5 hours by
car from the SIGGRAPH venue in San Diego.
The two-day workshop will include paper presentations (single track),
a breakout session, coffee breaks, a conference dinner, and invited
talks. There will be a demo session in which participants have an
opportunity to demonstrate their systems and try out those of the
other participants. All are welcome to attend the workshop; submission
of a paper is not required for attendance.
The proceedings will be published in the EG Workshop series and made
available online through the Eurographics Digital Library. Summaries of
previous Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling Workshops can be explored at
Authors are invited to submit technical papers on topics including, but not
limited to:
* Low level ink processing
* Sketch segmentation
* Classification and recognition of hand-drawn sketches
* Multimodal interfaces for sketching
* Novel sketch input devices
* Rendering techniques for sketch-based interfaces (NPR)
* Usability studies of sketch-based systems
* Sketch-based interfaces for 2D/3D computer graphics (modeling,
animation, games, etc.)
* Sketch-based CAD systems
* Sketch-based interfaces for other applications (diagram editing,
math, etc.)
* Sketch-based retrieval of multimedia Information
Authors of workshop papers are encouraged to provide demos. We also invite:
* demos of rough ideas and work in progress.
* demos that present and critique commercial pen computing software
* demos of games and other novel applications making creative use of
sketch interfaces
Submission Procedure
Authors are requested to submit papers, no longer than 10 pages, with the
main body set in Eurographics Conference Paper Format. Each paper should
contain title, authors' names and affiliations, abstract, keywords, text,
illustrations, and references. Detailed guidelines and LaTeX style files are
available through the EG Conference Manager (MCP)
All submissions will be done electronically via the EG Conference
Manager (MCP). Papers will be accepted in PDF format only.
Documentation on and assistance with the submission system is
available at
http://egdl1.cgv.tugraz.at/SRMwiki/index.php/Main_Page. Please contact
the conference organizers should you experience any problems with
electronic submission. Proceedings will be available on-line through
the Eurographics Digital Library and in paper book form in the
Eurographics Book Series.
Paper selection will be based on technical and scientific content and
relevance to the workshop.
Those interested in providing a demo should submit a one-page abstract of
the proposed demo. If possible, the abstract should include a URL for a
video, screen images, etc.
Special Issue: Computers & Graphics
Revised and expanded versions of selected workshop papers will be
featured in a special issue of the Computers and Graphics Journal
(Elsevier) in 2008.
Important Workshop Dates
* Abstract submission deadline: May 8, 2007
* Deadline for paper submissions: May 15, 2007 (Extended Deadline)
* Notification of acceptance: June 8, 2007
Workshop Chairs
Thomas Stahovich, University of California, Riverside, CA
Christine Alvarado, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA (alvarado(a)cs.hmc.edu)
Program Chairs
Michiel van de Panne, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Eric Saund, Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, CA (saund(a)parc.com)
EG SBIM Working Group Chair
Joaquim Jorge, Technical University of Lisboa, Portugal
-J. Jorge
http://alfa.ist.utl.pt/~jorgej Yahoo IM: joaquim_jorge
Joaquim A. Jorge (jorgej(a)acm.org, jorgej(a)ieee.org) | PHONE:+351 213100363
INESC, Rua Alves Redol,9, 1000-029 Lisboa, PORTUGAL| TAGUS:+351 214233238
____________________Simplex Sigillum Veri__________|____jaj(a)inesc.pt_____
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