VMV 2004 Call for Papers
***** CALL FOR PAPERS *****
9th Fall Workshop
November 16-18, 2004
Stanford (California), USA
Stanford University
MPI Informatik
Max Planck Center for Visual Computing and Communication
in cooperation with:
DFG Center of Excellence SFB 603
"Model-based Analysis and Visualization of Complex Scenes and Sensor Data "
DFG Graduate Research Center GRK 244
"3-D Image Analysis and Synthesis"
The program will consist of invited talks by internationally renowned
speakers, as well as poster presentations of contributed papers. To
preserve a workshop atmosphere, attendance might be limited, with
preference given to active participants.
The meeting will be held at Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
within close proximity to San Francisco and Silicon Valley.
Original papers are solicited which report about current research
in the areas of 3-D image analysis and 3-D image synthesis, and
their convergence. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3-D imaging
- Object localization and recognition
- Volume data processing and visualization
- Multi-sensor fusion and 3-D registration
- 3-D structure from motion and stereo
- 3-D video processing
- Geometry-based and image-based rendering
- Geometric modeling
- Scene modeling and integration
- Realistic rendering
- Animation
- Multi-view image processing and coding
- Virtual Reality
- Applications (medicine, robotics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing,
automated inspection, communication, etc.)
Paper Submission:
Prospective attendees are invited to submit a paper up to 8 pages
in final form. All submissions will be reviewed. Accepted papers will
be published in the workshop proceedings. Authors should obtain the
author's kit (including LaTeX style-file) from
It is the intention of the committee to conduct all communication with
authors electronically.
Questions should be directed to: vmv04(a)mpi-sb.mpg.de
Authors' Schedule:
Well ahead of deadline: Obtain author's kit and LaTeX style-file
- July 02, 2004: Paper submission
- August 20, 2004: Notification of acceptance
- August 31, 2004: Authors' registration
The General Chairs can be reached at:
Bernd Girod
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Stanford University
Hans-Peter Seidel
Scientific Director
MPI Informatik
Technical Program Chair:
Marcus Magnor
Research Group Leader
MPI Informatik
Conference Web Site and Contact:
Web site:
E-mail: vmv04(a)mpi-sb.mpg.de
Conference Coordination:
Joyce Farrell
Executive Director
Stanford Center for Image Systems Engineering