After a very successful workshop on Industrial AR at ISMAR'05 in Vienna,
we are happy to announce that we will be able to continue this lively
discussion between industry and academia this year (Oct. 22) at ISMAR'06
in Santa Barbara.
We are now asking for submissions of position statements, reports on
current work and proposed solutions by AUG. 20. (2 pages via email to
toennis(a); same format guidelines as for ISMAR).
More details will be made available at the ISMAR'06 web site and
Hoping to see you at the workshop,
- Gudrun Klinker (TU München)
- Stefan Nölle (Volkswagen)
- Toshikazu Ohshima (Ritsumeikan University, formerly Canon)
- Marcus Tönnis (TU München)
(I am cross-posting this message. Sorry, if you receive it more than once.)
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. Tel: 089/289-18215
Fachbereich Informatik Fax: 089/289-17059
Technische Universität München Email: klinker(a)
Boltzmannstr. 3, Raum 03.013.053
D-85748 Garching b. München