The research platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna is currently advertising 8
new positions. Apply now!
The research platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna has a number of open
positions. Please apply or distribute to persons of interest:
1 PostDoc position (40h) for research coordination
Link: <>
Deadline: 31.07.2020
1 PostDoc position in the area of visual data analysis (starting asap)
Link: <>
Deadline: 31.07.2020 <>
3 fully-funded PhD positions in the area of transparent and
explainable models (with a focus on deep neural networks as well as
Starting 01.10.2020
Deadline: 31.07.2020
* with a focus on Mathematical Solutions:
Link: <>
* with a focus on Data Mining Solutions:
Link: <>
* with a focus on Visual Analysis Solutions:
Link: <>
1 platform coordinator for the platform (admin position 25h per week)
Link: <>
Deadline: 31.07.2020
We also want to bring to your attention 2 Tenure Track positions at the
Faculty for Computer Sciences both in cooperation with the research platform
at the University of Vienna:
* for the field of Stochastic Methods for Data Science
Link: <>
Deadline: 23.09.2020
* for the field of Management of Massive Data
Link: <>
Deadline: 23.09.2020
The research platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna has been in existance since
2018 and is growing rapidly. With 24 faculty members across 7 faculties, we
are a very interdisciplinary group. We organize lecture series, summer
schools, scientific meetings, retreats, and coordinate the three new master
programs in Business Analytics, Data Science, and Digital Humanities at the
University of Vienna.
While the University of Vienna is the oldest German speaking university
around, our research and communication happens in English. Vienna is a very
multi-cultural and international city as well as very welcoming to
international researchers and visitors. In addition, Vienna is one of the
top rated cities to live in and a cultural hot spot of Europe.