The leading European Computer Graphics event, Eurographics 2018, will take
place at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands between the 16th
and 20th of April.
This year, we offer you the opportunity to present your research projects to
the world leading experts in the field and to disseminate your latest
results. In this way, you can raise awareness for your work and ensure a
wide visibility.
This "Project Package" includes the following benefits:
1. A full exhibitor registration for one of the project members.
2. Promotional materials can be included in the participant's bags.
3. A ten minute presentation slot will be made available to present
your project
4. A 3mx2m booth will be made available to present your project,
conveniently located in the entrance hall, where also the coffee breaks take
place. It is central and ensures excellent exposure.
5. The possibility to submit a short movie (3 min) to the plenary
electronic theater session.
6. A link to your project and its logo will be added to the
Eurographics homepage.
The costs for this package are 1500 Euro.
If you are interested or have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us via contact(a)
More information regarding the conference is available via
Looking forward to seeing you in Delft!
Best wishes
The Eurographics 2018 Organizational Team