Computational Aesthetics 2010
Call for Posters
Computational Aesthetics bridges the analytic and synthetic by
integrating aspects of computer science, philosophy, psychology, and the
fine, applied & performing arts. It seeks to facilitate both the
analysis and the augmentation of creative behaviours. CAe also
investigates the creation of tools that can enhance the expressive power
of the fine and applied arts and furthers our understanding of aesthetic
evaluation, perception and meaning.
The conference brings together individuals with technical experience of
developing computer based tools to solve aesthetic problems and people
with artistic/design backgrounds who use these new tools.
Invited talks will be given by technical, theoretical and
artistic/design figures. The talks will help participants better
understand what aesthetics is, what computer technology is currently
capable of and, equally, to fully appreciate what is involved in
artistic design and creative process.
Poster submissions are an opportunity to present and discuss work in
progress without publication. Technical, artistic and posters that mix
the two are all welcome. Suggested topics cover similar ground to the
technical papers, but are not limited to it. Examples include
a.. computational analysis and modelling of creative behaviour (AI,
b.. artistic image transformation techniques (colours, edges,
patterns, dithering);
c.. image style and salience analysis (paintings, photographs, others);
d.. visualization (perceptual or aesthetics based);
e.. sketching, simplification techniques (artistic, cognitive);
f.. composition, visual balance, layout;
g.. non-photorealistic rendering;
h.. empirically based metrics of aesthetical attributes; and
i.. applied visual perception (colour appearance, spatial vision, and
other aspects).
j.. measuring and describing aesthetics and
k.. computational tools for artists
Posters will be of up to size A0. Poster authors should submit an extended
abstract or a description to accompany their work; no more than 2 sides of
A4 in length. The style files for standard papers should be used. Accepted
abstracts (descriptions) will be included as part of the electronic
conference proceedings, but will not be included in in the paper proceedings
so will not be formally published. The work should submitted directly to the
posters chair:
in PDF format.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: March 12, 2010
Acceptance notification: April 12, 2010
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