9th International Symposium on SMART GRAPHICS
May 28-30 2009
Salamanca, Spain
(EXTENDED) Submission deadline February 14th, 2009
Graphics become Smart Graphics when their design and implementation are grounded
in an understanding of human abilities, activities, and motivations from design
experience and the broad spectrum of cognitive and social sciences.
When knowledge from these diverse fields is combined with new methods, tools and
techniques in AI, HCI and computer graphics, environments are created that:
(1) engage the user and are aesthetically satisfying;
(2) participate in human cognition as external or distributed representations;
(3) are sensitive to the real-time demands of the interaction in the context of
the available informational and computational resources;
(4) adapt the form of the output according to a wider set of constraints such as
an individual's perceptual, attentive, and motor abilities and the nature of the
presentation media and available interaction devices.
The International Symposium on Smart Graphics aims at gathering people from the
fields of Cognitive Science, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence and
Graphics Design to share experiences and experiments in this new and emerging
area of study.
*** Come and Join the Smart Graphics Experience ***
Smart Graphics 2009 welcomes submissions from researchers and practitioners, as
well as artists and graphic designers interested in an interdisciplinary
approach to the design of smart interactive visual, auditory, and haptic displays.
Submission categories are divided into:
* Full research papers: these will encompass comprehensive descriptions of
original work within the scope of the symposium (limited to 12 pages in Springer
LNCS format).
* Posters: tentative or preliminary results of research or design work with
emphasis on the interdisciplinary evaluation of the ideas (limited to 4 pages in
Springer LNCS format). Poster papers will be included in the proceedings.
* System demonstrations: short descriptions of research or design work that the
authors intend to show and discuss in a demo session at the symposium (limited
to 2 pages in Springer LNCS format). System demonstration papers will be
included in the proceedings.
* Arts track: computer animations, interactive art, digital music, hybrid art,
etc. A two-three page proposal outlining the concept and technique of the
artwork. An international jury of renowned scientists and artists will select
the submissions that best represent the idea of <<Smart Graphics Arts>>.
Selected works will be exhibited during the Smart Graphics symposium, within the
framework of the 5th International Arts Festival of Castilla y Leon. A report of
the art track including all the selected works will be included in the
proceedings. The best piece will be awarded and its author will be invited to
the symposium.
Smartgraphics specially encourages young researchers to submit their ideas and
results. As in previous conferences, proceedings will be published in the
Springer Lecture Note in Computer Science (LNCS,
www.springer.com/lncs) series.
Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to):
* information visualization
* visual analytics
* graphical abstraction
* multimodal information presentation
* non-desktop interfaces
* user interaction
* sketch-based interfaces
* interaction science
* scene perception
* cognitive sciences
* user studies
* computer graphics
* artificial intelligence
* virtual and mixed reality
* graphics design
* technological art
This year, we propose a specific emphasis on visual analytics as well as all
kinds of transversal research that harnesses the power of humans and
technological artifacts in order to convey, understand and deal with complex
scientific and social processes.
Smart Graphics, beyond a conventional conference, will be intertwined with the
5th International Arts Festival of Castilla y Leon
http://www.festivalcyl.com/), and we invite artists, technologists and scholars
from all disciplines to convene in Salamanca, May 28-30, 2009. Both during the
Smart Graphics Symposium and during the Festival (May 29-June 15) workshops,
system demonstrations, exhibitions, performances, panels and open discussions
related to how information technology is provided to the society and how art is
evolving and taking advantage of technological artefacts in its quest of new
artistic forms, will become part of the unique streets and buildings of UNESCO's
World Heritage city of Salamanca.
February 14th, 2009 (EXTENDED submission deadline)
March 8th, 2009 (notification of results)
March 20th, 2009 (camera ready copy due)
May 28-30, 2009 (Symposium in Salamanca, Spain)
Joern Kohlhammer (Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research -IGD-)
Head of the Department of Realtime Solutions for Simulation and Visual Analytics,
Daniel A. Keim, Konstanz University, Germany
Coordinator of the Center for Analysis and Visualization of large Information
Spaces (CAVIS)
Andreas Butz (University of Munich, Germany)
Marc Christie (IRISA/INRIA Rennes, France)
Brian Fisher (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Antonio Krueger (University of Muenster, Germany)
Patrick Olivier (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)
Roberto Theron (University of Salamanca, Spain)
* Elisabeth Andre (University of Augsburg)
* William Bares (Millsaps College)
* Marc Cavazza (University of Teesside)
* Luca Chittaro (University of Udine)
* Sarah Diamond (Ontario College of Art and Design)
* Steven Feiner (Columbia University)
* David S. Ebert (Purdue University)
* Knut Hartmann (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences)
* Hiroshi Hosobe (Tokyo National Institute of Informatics)
* Christian Jacquemin (LIMSI/CNRS)
* Tsvi Kuflik (University of Haifa)
* Rainer Malaka (European Media Lab)
* Shigeru Owada (Sony CSL)
* W. Bradford Paley (Digital Image Design)
* Thomas Rist (University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg)
* Mateu Sbert (University of Girona)
* Shigeo Takahashi (University of Tokyo)
* Lucia Terrenghi (Vodafone Group R&D)
* Massimo Zancanaro (ITC-irst Trento)
For a full description of the scope of the Symposium, and details of previous
events, see the website:
For any queries, please use the contact address:
(theron at usal.es)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Butz
Institut fuer Informatik
LFE Medieninformatik
Amalienstrasse 17
80333 Muenchen
Tel.: +49-89-2180-4665
Sekr.: +49-89-2180-4650
Fax: +49-89-2180-4652