EuroVis 2009 -- Call For Posters and Demos
We invite you to contribute to the first Poster/Demo session at
EuroVis 2009,
to be held in Berlin, Germany, June 10-12, 2009. EuroVis 2009 is the
annual Visualization Symposium, jointly organized by the Eurographics
Group on Data Visualization and the IEEE Visualization and Graphics
Committee. Poster/demo abstract submissions are due April 10, 2009.
All poster presenters are encouraged to bring a laptop to present
demos and/or
videos. In addition to the poster session itself, where all
presenters will
concurrently discuss their work with EuroVis attendees, there will be a
fast-forward session where presenters will have 60 seconds each to
their work to the whole audience.
Posters/Demos is a venue for several kinds of work. We welcome
findings that are not mature enough for a full paper, interesting
work with a
contribution smaller than a typical research paper (student projects
fall into this category), or late-breaking research where you would
from feedback from the community before writing it up as a full
paper. There
is no explicit research novelty requirement; for instance, we welcome
demonstrations of open-source software even if its research aspects have
already been published in another venue, presentations of commercial
visualization software, or videos showing visualization systems in
Although a full literature review is not expected, the most relevant
work should be cited, particularly if new research results are
The collection of accepted abstracts will be distributed to conference
attendees (xeroxed, black and white only), but they will not be
included in
the archival proceedings or indexed in a digital library. Thus,
posters do not
preclude the later submission of work as a full research paper at
EuroVis or
another venue.
Each poster abstract will be read and evaluated by the Conference
Submissions will be evaluated based on whether the content is
suitable for
EuroVis and not a repetition of the work of others. Authors of
posters that
are not accepted will receive summary reviews of their poster from
the chairs
explaining the decision and providing feedback.
Suggested topics for posters and demos include, but are not limited to:
- Visualization Taxonomies and Models
- Spatial Data in Visualization
- Non-Spatial Data (Information Visualization)
- Visualization Techniques
- Interaction in Visualization
- Visual Analytics, Visual Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Large Data Visualization
- Hardware for Visualization
- Visual Design
- Cognition and Perception
- Design Studies
- Novel Algorithms, Applied Mathematics
- Distributed, collaborative, mobile/ubiquitous visualization
- Evaluation and User Studies
- Visualization Systems
We also encourage submission of application oriented posters dealing
with visualization in different domains, e.g.
- Physical Sciences and Engineering
- Earth, Space and Environmental Sciences
- Bioinformatics, Life Sciences, Medical Research and Applications
- Information Sciences
- Business and Finance
- Software Development
- Humanities, Social Sciences, Education
Before submitting a poster and/or demo abstract, please note the
- Poster abstract submissions should be in two-column format and not
one page. Authors should prepare and electronically submit a PDF
version of
their poster and/or demo abstract following the guidelines
- Examples of one-page poster abstracts:
- Examples of corresponding posters:
- Further examples of nice posters:
- All abstract submissions in PDF format should be sent by email to
kaehler[at]zib.de before 24:00 GMT/UTC on April 10, 2009.
We are not accepting video submissions.
- The submission should clearly state if a demo or video will be
presented during the session.
- Notification about acceptance of posters & demos: April 16, 2009
- At least one of the poster authors must be present at the conference.
All questions pertaining to the EuroVis 2009 poster session should be
to Ralf Kähler kaehler[at]zib.de.