20th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision
St. Petersburg, Russia
September 20-24 2010
GraphiCon is a major international conference on Computer Graphics,
Computer Vision, Image and Video processing in Russia. The anniversary
20th event will be hosted by the Saint-Petersburg State University of
Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics on September 20-24, 2010.
Authors are invited to submit high quality papers (4-8 pages). All
submissions will be carefully and anonymously reviewed by the
International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be presented at
the conference orally or as posters and will appear in the proceedings.
Official language of the conference is English. Submissions in Russian
are possible, but they will be organized in separate sections.
Students are encouraged to submit short papers (2 pages) for Young
scientist school. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference as
posters and will appear in the proceedings. The official language of the
school is Russian.
Conference topics
Graphics and Multimedia
* Geometry modeling and processing
* Photorealistic rendering techniques
* Scientific visualization
* Image-based techniques
* Computer graphics for mobile devices
* Computer graphics hardware
* Graphics in computer games
* Animation and simulation
* Virtual and augmented reality
Image and Video Processing
* Medical image processing
* Biometrics
* Tracking and surveillance
* Segmentation and grouping
* Image enhancement, restoration and super-resolution
* Early vision and image representation
Computer Vision
* 3D reconstruction and acquisition
* Object localization and recognition
* Multi-sensor fusion and 3D registration
* Structure from motion and stereo
* Scene modeling
* Statistical methods and learning
Important Dates
Submission deadline for papers May 21
Notification of acceptance July 9
Camera-ready papers August 6
Conference September 20-24
Vladimir Vasilev (Saint-Petersburg University ITMO)
Vladimir Galaktionov (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
Timour Paltashev (Northwestern Polytechnic University)
International Program Committee Co-chairs
Gunter Knittel (Tuebingen University)
Anton Konushin (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Alexander Tropchenko (Saint-Petersburg University ITMO)