VAST 2010: 11th Symposium on Virtual reality Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
Ecole de Louvre, Palais du Louvre, Paris, September 21st-24th 2010
2nd Call for Papers Submission Deadlines: 20th May 2010
Science Technology & Museums: A Challenge for the New Decade
In the 21st century the use of digital technology is a common practice
in every day of our lives, contributing to the development, management
and delivery of the information that surrounds our environment.
Archaeologists and Cultural Heritage scientists as well as Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) experts have in the past
collaborated to find solutions to optimise all aspects of managing and
delivering cultural information to new generations, but there remain
many unsolved problems.
The goal of this VAST will be to build on the open dialogue between
these different areas of expertise, and in particular allow ICT
experts to have a better understanding of the critical requirements of
the CH scientists for managing and delivering cultural information.
The result of this interaction will be disseminated through use of
innovative digital techniques in research and education for Cultural
Heritage and through publications: on-going project results;
preliminary ideas and works in progress; and overviews of research in
the use of digital technology in the context of Cultural Heritage.
We are seeking contributions that advance the state of the art in the
technologies available to support cultural heritage. In particular:
* 2/3/4D data capture and processing in Cultural Heritage
* Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations
* Data acquisition technologies
* Digital Libraries
* Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage
(performance, audio, dance, oral)
* Interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage
* Long term preservation of digital artefacts
* Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing
* Multilingual applications, tools and systems for Cultural Heritage
* Multimedia data acquisition, management and archiving
* Multi-modal interfaces and rendering for Cultural Heritage
* On-site and remotely sensed data collection
* Professional and ethical guidelines
* Serious games in Cultural Heritage
* Standards and documentation
* Storytelling and design of heritage communications
* Tools for education and training in Cultural Heritage
* Usability, effectiveness and interface design for Cultural
Heritage Applications
* Visualization
Other relevant works concerning the application of technology to
Cultural Heritage not directly included in the above categories are
also welcome for submission.
The best papers presented at VAST 2010 will be selected for possible
extension and review for inclusion in a special edition of the ACM
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH). JOCCH is published
online during the year and then a hardcopy volume is produced at the
end of the year.
VAST 2010 will include the "VAST-STate-of-the-Art Reports
(VAST-STARs)", inspired by the EG STARs. These are longer papers
providing useful novel overviews of research in the fields of computer
graphics, computer science and related fields that can benefit the
multidisciplinary nature of VAST. They are survey papers in what the
community considers important areas that have not been covered before
or recently. Their aim is to give a detailed account of the
principles, algorithms and open problems of a research area, so that
an interested reader can quickly become up to speed in this field. We
warmly encourage all colleagues to submit to the VAST-STARs reports.
Two VAST-STARs will be selected by peer review and published in the
local proceedings together with the short and project papers. The
VAST-STARs will be eligible for the special issue on Cultural Heritage
on Elsevier's Computers and Graphics (C&G, to be confirmed).
VAST-STARs authors will present their work with a 60 minute
presentation during VAST 2010.
We are soliciting five types of contributions:
* Full research papers presenting new innovative results: these
papers will be published by Eurographics in the EG Symposium (ISSN
* VAST-STARs providing a useful novel overview of research in the
fields of computer graphics, computer science and related fields that
can benefit the multidisciplinary nature of VAST.
* Project papers focusing on on-going projects, the description of
project organization, use of technology, and lesson learned, but do
not necessarily involving innovative technical content. These papers
will have an oral presentation and will be included in a "Projects &
Short Papers" proceedings volume. Authors will have the option to
present a poster during the breaks to provide more information
regarding the project.
* Short papers and posters presenting preliminary results and
works-in-progress. These papers will have an oral presentation and
will be published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
* Tutorials and Workshops: half-day and full-day working sessions
that provide an opportunity to educate and share on key topics of
interest face-to-face. Suitable tutorial documentation will be
published in the "Projects & Short Papers" proceedings volume.
Workshops that provide supplementary material in time for the CD-ROM
printing will also be included.
All submissions will be reviewed and feedback given to the authors.
See detailed information on the VAST 2010 website under Submissions.
- Abstract submission
(full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs): 15th May 2010
(23:59 CET)
- Paper submission
(full/project/short/workshops/tutorials/VAST-STARs): 20th May 2010
(23:59 CET)
- Author notification: 15th June 2010
- Camera-ready copies: 25th June 2010
- Event Chair: Christiane Naffah (Centre de Recherche et de
Restauration des Musées de France, Paris)
- Scientific Program Chairs: Alessandro Artusi (The Cyprus Institute,
CASTORC), Alejandro Ribes (Electricité de France R&D), Genevieve Lucet
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Local Organising Committee: Denis Pitzalis (The Cyprus
Institute, STARC), Morwena Joly (Centre de Recherche et de
Restauration des Musées de France, Paris)
- VAST-STARs Committee: Yiorgos Chrysanthou (University of Cyprus) and
Selma Rizvic (University of Sarajevo)
-- ---------------------- VAST 2010 - Denis
Pitzalis - Researcher in Digital Heritage and
Archaeological Sciences The Cyprus Institute, STARC - Guy Ourisson Bld, Nicosia, Cyprus - Tel:
+35722208653 Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France
(C2RMF) - Palais du Louvre, Paris, France - Tel:
+33140202414 3DCoForm - Tools and Expertise for 3D Collection Formation
- Business Strand Coordinator