** Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward to interested colleagues and
students. **
***** Web3D 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS *****
Web3D 2016 Conference <http://www.web3d2016.org/> - Anaheim, California,
USA - 22-24 July 2016
Deadline for Paper submissions: 15 April, 2016 - Time zone UTC/GMT-12
http://www.web3d2016.org/), Follow us on Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/Web3D-Consortium-138456499514869/> and Twitter
<https://twitter.com/Web3DConsortium> for updates.
The 21st International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2016).
Co-located and sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH <http://s2016.siggraph.org/> in
co-operation with Web3D Consortium <http://www.web3d.org/> and sponsored by
EUROGRAPHICS <https://www.eg.org/> . Web3D 2016 conference will address an
extensive range of research and application topics related to interactive 3D
content in a wide range of web environments, including virtual and augmented
reality (VR & AR) and 3D printing. This year's theme "3D for All"
the importance of research and development enabling the use of 3D technology
in various application domains, including medicine, industry, education, and
geographical information systems as well as other emerging, alternative, or
underexplored fields.
Papers presenting original work in Web3D research and application may be
submitted in long or short form (up to 9 or 4 pages). Submissions will be
peer-reviewed; accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library
and submitted for indexing in Web of Science, DBLP, and Scopus.
A pdf version of the CFP is available here
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Web3D2016_CFP.pdf> .
Details for papers, posters, tutorials, workshops, showcases, industrial use
cases and competition submissions are at the links below:
. <http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions> General Instructions,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/papers/> Papers,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/posters/> Posters,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/tutorials/> Tutorials,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/workshops/> Workshops,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/showcases/> Showcases,
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/industrial-use-cases/> Industrial
Use Cases, H-Anim 3D Animated Music Video Competition
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/submissions/h-anim/> .
<http://web3d2016.web3d.org/important-dates/> Important Dates: Conference
dates: 22-24 July 2016
. Papers Submission Deadline: 15 April 2016
. Tutorials Submission Deadline: 1 May 2016
. Workshops Submission Deadline: 1 May 2016
. Competition Submission Deadline: 1 May 2016
. Industrial Use Cases Submission Deadline: 10 May 2016
. Conference Registration Deadlines:
Early: 15 May 2016
Regular: 21 June 2016