Dear Colleagues,
The ACM SIGGRAPH Web3D 2005 Symposium is being organised in cooperation
with Eurographics. This year the event is taking place in Europe - at my
own institution of the University of Wales, Bangor.
I'd like to remind those of you active in the research and development
of Web3D technologies that the Early Bird Registration for the
conference is about to close.
I very much look forward to hosting some of you in Wales!
Best Regards,
Web3D 2005 Symposium co-chair
Prof. Nigel W. John
School of Informatics
University of Wales, Bangor
Dean Street
Bangor LL57 1UT n.w.john(a)
Gwynedd TEL +44 (0)1248 382717
United Kingdom FAX +44 (0)1248 361429