Call for Participation
Programme, SIGRAD2008
Swedish Eurographics Chapter Annual Conference
with support from VIC, KTH
More information and registration on
Thursday 2008-11-27, lecture hall D3
13:00-13:15 Opening session
13:15-13:35 Invited speech: Interaction in Visualisation,
Yngve Sundblad, Royal Institute of Technology
13:35-14:35 State of the Art Report on Haptics
Functions of haptic perception in computer-supported
Eva-Lotta Sallnäs, Royal Institute of Technology
Volume haptics technologies and applications,
Karl Johan Palmerius, Norrköping Visualization and
Interaction Studio
14:35-14:50 Coffee break
14:50-15:50 State of the Art Report on Haptics
Learning Molecular Interaction Concepts,
Petter Bivall Persson, Linköping University
Physically Realistic Soft-Tissue Deformation in Real-
Umut Koçak, Linköping University
Simulator for Operative Extraction of Wisdom Teeth,
Jonas Forsslund, Royal Institute of Technology
15:50-16:20 Invited speech: Gapminder-unveiling the beauty of
statistics for a fact-based world
view-Flash animations bringing enormous amounts of
data to life,
Daniel Lapidus, Gapminder
16:20-17:00 Submitted papers
Fast and Tight Fitting Bounding Spheres,
Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University
Real Time Large Scale Fluids for Games,
Daniel Kallin
18:00- Social Event
Friday 2008-11-28, lecture hall D1
09:00-10:30 Submitted papers
Core-based morphing algorithm for triangle meshes,
Martina Málková, Ivana Kolingerová & Jindrich
University of West Bohemia
Adaptive resolution in physics based virtual reality,
Martin Servin, Claude Lacoursière & Fredrik Nordfelth,
Umeå University, Algoryx Simulation
Enhanced Interactive Spiral Display,
Christian Tominski & Heidrun Schumann, University of
Computation of Topological Events in Kinetic Delaunay
Triangulation using Sturm Sequences of Polynomials,
Tomás Vomácka & Ivana Kolingerová, University of
West Bohemia
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45 Submitted papers
Robust Distance-Based Watermarking for Digital Video,
Amir Stephan Abdul-Ahad, Maria Lindén, Thomas
Larsson & Waleed A Mahmoud,
Mälardalen University, Al-Isra Private University
Interactive Visualization of new electromagnetic
Siavoush M Mohammadi, Anders Hast, Lars K S Daldorff,
Martin Ericsson, Jan E S Bergman & Bo Thidé,
Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Uppsala University
11:45-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Invited speech
Experiential qualities of interactive visualizations,
Jonas Löwgren, Malmö University
14:00-14:30 Poster and demo session with coffee
14:30-16:00 Industrial session
Algoryx-Interactive Physics,
Anders Backman, Algoryx Simulation
Awareness of 3D-rapid market growth,
Trond Solvold, Projectiondesign
LISTEN Heavy Demonstrator to illustrate the
potential and
feasibility ofurban soundscape simulation and
Peter Becker & Peter Lundén, Interactive Institute