Call for Participation - Afrigraph 2010
The 7th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality,
and Interaction in Africa
Sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS.
21-23 June 2010
Franschhoek, South Africa.
Keynote speaker: Marc Alexa
AFRIGRAPH 2010 (AG2010) is the 7th International Conference on Virtual
Reality, Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interaction
in Africa. AG2010 is organized by the African Graphics Association
(AFRIGRAPH) and is sponsored by ACM SIGGRAPH and in
cooperation with EUROGRAPHICS. The conference will be held on a wine estate
near Franschoek, a picturesque town in the
Cape Winelands region of South Africa.
The keynote will be given by Marc Alexa. Marc is a Professor in the Faculty
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
the Technical University of Berlin and heads the Computer Graphics group. He
is widely published in the areas of shape
representation and deformation, using point sampled geometry, implicit
surfaces, explicit representations, and linear spaces of
base shapes, as well as sketching interfaces.
Academic Papers
AG2010 welcomes contributions in the form of full papers or short papers.
The conference particularly welcomes contributions
that focus on Computer Graphics in the developing world; addressing the use
of Computer Graphics in urban renewal, rural
development, health, education, environment and the African arts and media.
However, contributions will be accepted from all areas related to virtual
reality, computer graphics, visualization and
interaction. Topics include (but are not limited to):
* Rendering
* Parallel algorithms for graphics
* Computer vision for graphics
* Computational Geometry
* Computer animation
* Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality and Presence
* Graphics in the Developing Country Context
* Education and Computer Graphics
* Interactive Application Development
* Visualization and Simulation
* Perceptually-based graphics techniques
* Image analysis and processing
* Multimedia
* Medical Imaging
* Computer Aided Design and Prototyping
* 3D Modelling
* Data Acquisition
* Human Computer Interaction
* Special and Visual Effects
Submission Guidelines
Papers are to be submitted electronically via the Afrigraph web-site
( All contributions
must be written and presented in English. Papers will be reviewed by an
International Programme Committee and the Conference
proceedings will be published by ACM SIGGRAPH and also appear in the ACM
Digital Library. The best two papers (as decided
by the Programme Chairs in consultation with the Programme Committee) will
be republished in the journal Computer Graphics
Forum. There will also be an award for the best paper.
Short Papers
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of no more than 5 A4 pages
in length. These should represent late
breaking results, work in progress or novel results that are more
appropriate to a shorter format.
Full Papers
Full papers should report research contributions, practice and experience,
or novel applications. They must be no longer
than 10 A4 pages in length.
There is one day devoted to tutorials in the conference program. Tutorials
must be in either a half-day or full-day
format and the proposal should include details of the presenters, tutorial
content, expected level of required delegate
expertise and educational outcomes.
Important dates
Paper and Tutorial submission deadline: 15 January 2010 (23h59 CET)
Notification of acceptance: 10 March 2010
Final version due: 28 March 2010
International Programme Committee
Programme committee chairs: Patrick Marais and Roberto Scopigno
* Shaun Bangay, Rhodes University
* Dirk Bartz, University of Leipzig
* Dominique Bechmann, Louis Pasteur University
* Charl Botha, TU Delft
* Kadi Bouatouch, IRISA
* Judy Brown, Brown Cunningham Associates
* Marcello Carrozzino, PERCRO
* Sabine Coquillart, INRIA
* Carsten Dachsbacher, University of Stuttgart
* Tom Ertl, University of Stuttgart
* James Gain, University of Cape Town
* Eric Jansen, TU Delft
* Andrezj Lukaszewski, University of Wroclaw
* Patrick Marais, University of Cape Town
* Gary Marsden, University of Cape Town
* Majid Mirmehdi, Bristol University
* Marc Nienhaus, University of Potsdam
* Shaun Nirenstein, NVIDIA
* David Nunez, University of Cape Town
* Sumanta Pattanaik, University of Central Florida
* Pierre Poulin, University of Montreal
* Werner Purgathofer, TU Wien
* Mateu Sbert, University of Girona
* Jules Tapamo, University of KwaZulu-Natal
* Hannah Thinyane, Rhodes University
* Michael Wand, Max-Planck-Insitut fur Informatik
* Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart
* Michael Wimmer, TU Wien
Contact Details
Conference Chair: James Gain (jgain(a)
Programme Chairs: Patrick Marais (patrick(a)
Roberto Scopigno (roberto.scopigno(a)