Call for Papers for NASAGEM 2007
October 2007, Leibnizhaus Hannover, Germany
The NASAGEM workshop will be held under the umbrella of the Cyberworlds
2007 conference, October 24-26 in Hannover. Of special interest will be
contributions addressing issues related to characterizing and
representing complex geometrical data and shapes by using concepts
from computational and differential geometry, differential equations
and computational topology.
The accepted papers will be will be printed as a special session in the
CW 2007 Conference Proceedings (by IEEE). All submissions will be peer
reviewed. Full and short papers in English containing original and
unpublished results are solicited. Extended versions of the best papers
will be published in a special issue of the "CAD Journal".
Topics of Interest
* 3D data compression including geometric objects and voxel data,
modern wavelet methods
* The medial axis, its generalizations and applications
* Multiscale and multi resolution geometric modeling and appropriate
data structures
* Applications of methods from computational geometry (including
differential geometry) and computational topology (e.g. morse
theory) on shape analysis and shape modeling
* Applications of mathematical methods such as ordinary and partial
differential equations on shape analysis and shape modeling
* Applications of Laplace spectra for shape compression and
* Methods for analysis of dynamic volumetric and image data, based on
geometrical, topological and analytical approaches, generalized to
higher-dimensional data.
For further details concerning the workshop and the submission, please see
Deadline for Submission 12 May 2007
Notification of Acceptance 12 June 2007
Registration 15 July 2007
Camera Ready Version Due: 2 August 2007
Conference 24-26 October 2007
Program and Workshop Co-Chairs NASAGEM 2007
Franz-Erich Wolter, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, MIT, USA
Bernd Hamann, University of California, USA