Call for Papers
Graphics Interface (GI) 2017, the 43rd annual conference, will be held in
Edmonton, Alberta from May 16th to May 19th, 2017. GI is the longest running
conference in the field, consistently attracting high-quality submissions on
recent advances in computer graphics, human-computer interaction (HCI), and
visualization. All accepted GI papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital
Library and will be open access in the Graphics Interface archive
<> . The Michael A. J. Sweeney
Award <> will
be awarded at the conference to the best student papers in graphics and HCI.
The best papers will be considered for publication in Transactions on
Visualization and Computer Graphics and the Computers & Graphics Journal.
More information can be found on the official webpage:
* Paper Deadline: Friday, Dec 23rd, 2016, 11:59 pm PST
* Resubmissions (also from other conferences) are welcome until
Friday, December 30th, 2016, 11:59pm PST
(resubmissions must be accompanied by previous reviews and a cover letter)
* Author notification: Friday, March 3rd, 2017
Submission Information
Submissions should use the format shown in the conference template
tions/> . Submissions should be converted to PDF and uploaded to the
Precision Conference system at
<> by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on
December 23rd, 2016 (December 30th, 2016 for resubmissions, must include
reviews and cover letter). The PCS system will be open for uploading
submissions beginning on December 1st.
Preview of the Conference
GI 2017 will be held in conjunction with Computer and Robot Vision (CRV)
<> and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
<> as part of AI/GI/CRV 2017 <> . A
single registration provides access to all keynotes, invited and paper
talks, as well as a common poster and demo session of the three conferences.
GI 2017 will have joint sessions for the graphics and HCI tracks. We seek
submissions covering all aspects of graphics, HCI, as well as visualization.
Authors must request that their submissions be handled by either the
graphics or HCI sub-committee. In exceptional cases where significant
overlap exists, a submission may be reviewed by members of both
sub-committees. All paper submissions are fully peer reviewed by at least
two members of the program committee and external reviewers. Papers normally
have a maximum length of eight pages.
* Karol Myszkowski, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
* Sylvain Paris, Adobe Systems
* Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research
Invited Speaker Series Talks
* Lyn Bartram, Simon Fraser University
* Alec Jacobson, University of Toronto
* Ed Lank, University of Waterloo
* Derek Nowrouzezahrai, McGill University
* Tony Tang, University of Calgary
* Nils Thuerey, Technische Universitaet Muenchen
These talks are in addition to those given by winners of the 2017 CHCCS
Achievement Award and the 2016 Bill Buxton and Alain Fournier Ph.D.
Dissertation awards.
The conference will be preceded on May 16th by a number of workshops, which
will be advertised separately. These include:
* The Second Canadian HCI Curriculum Workshop organized by:
* Cosmin Munteanu (University of Toronto, Mississauga) and
* Olivier St-Cyr (University of Toronto).
We hope to see you in Edmonton!
Elmar Eisemann (Graphics), Delft University of Technology
Scott Bateman (HCI), University of New Brunswick
Program Co-Chairs for Graphics Interface 2017