The Visualization Group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has an
open position for a
4-year PhD student Visual Analytics for Finance and Insurance
The position is in the NWO RATE Analytics project, a joint research project
between TU Eindhoven, Tilburg University, Rabobank and Achmea. The overall
goal of this project is to develop foundations and techniques for next
generation big data analytics, facilitating the development of a wide range
of applications in banking and insurance, including, but not limited to,
intrusion detection, transactions and insurance fraud detection, loan
default prediction, prediction of extreme (health-insurance) claims, and
data-driven product development.
We are looking for candidates with a strong background and interest in
Visual Analytics and/or information visualization, who are challenged by
real-world problems and data. The team will closely collaborate and spend
significant time within the Data Science teams of Rabobank and Achmea. We
offer a full time appointment for 4 years, with a competitive salary.
For more information, contact prof.dr. Jarke van Wijk, or see vacancy
V32.2670 at the TU/e website (