We would like to invite you to participate at
4th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine,
3.-5. September 2014, Vienna Austria
Early Bird Registration Deadline is August 15, 2014!
We compiled an exciting program ranging from novel methods for analysis of
multivariate data, uncertainty and image segmentation, registration,
visualization and recontruction for medical applications, interfaces, visual
explanation techniques to cutting edge visual computing solutions for
microscopic images and biological data.
The invited speakers Prof. Anna Vilanova and Prof. Nigel John will talk
about their insights on the future of visualization in medicine and the
translation of research results into clinical practice.
Two satellite events will be taking place on September 3rd, open to the
public and free of charge!
* VisBio 2014 is an expert forum related to the WWTF project
O&lang=EN> Visual Computing: Illustrative Visualization. The event
features several invited talks by local and international experts from
biology, bioinformatics, and visualization.
* In the afternoon, the bi-annual meeting of GI Fachgruppe Visual
Computing in Biology and Medicine (
<http://www.vcbm.org/satellite-events/www.fg-medvis.de%29> FG Medvis) will
include talks, discussions and software demos in order to exchange research
ideas and results.
More details: <http://www.vcbm.org/>
Stay updated and follow us on Twitter: @vcbm_2014
We are looking forward meeting you in Vienna,
Katja Bühler, Ivan Viola, Timo Ropinski
Chairs VCBM 2014