Apologies for the multiple postings
Eurographics 2008 Annual Conference
Crete, Greece
April 14-18, 2008
Call for Tutorials
Eurographics 2008, the 29th annual conference of the European Association
for Computer Graphics, invites international experts to present half day or
full day tutorials providing in-depth knowledge and sharing their experience
on a variety of topics in computer graphics and related areas.
Proposed tutorials may address topics of interest to the Computer Graphics
community at large, such as (but not limited to) Imaging and Rendering
techniques, 3D user interfaces, interaction methods and methodologies,
modelling and simulation, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality,
high performance graphics, computer graphics over high speed networks and
others. Proposals are welcome on topics that have been previously addressed;
however, new approaches or insights will be especially valued.
Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught format, ranging from
practical guidelines to academic issues and theory, and may be addressed to
an audience at an introductory or advanced level.
Each group of speakers will receive:
a.. An honorarium of ?400 for a full day tutorial or ?200 for a half day
tutorial, per group. If a tutorial is presented by more than one lecturer,
this payment will be divided pro-rata between them.
b.. One free registration for the conference and one complimentary
ticket for conference events, per group. If more than one person gives the
tutorial, only one free registration and one free ticket for conference
events are provided.
All tutorial lecturers are allowed to attend other tutorials at no extra
charge, subject to space being available.
Submission Details
Tutorial proposals, typically 4 pages, should be submitted in electronic
form by October 5th, 2007, in PDF format. Submitted tutorial proposals
should contain the following information:
a.. Author(s) detail(s):
a.. Name(s)
b.. Institution
c.. E-mail addresse(s)
d.. URL
b.. Tutorial details:
a.. Title of Tutorial
b.. Abstract of the tutorial
c.. Keywords
d.. Half or full day tutorial (either 2x90 minutes or 4x90 minutes)
c.. A detailed outline of the tutorial, including possibly schedule and
a list of relevant publications.
d.. A statement of the necessary background and potential target
audience for the tutorial.
e.. A brief resume of the presenter(s) indicating their background in
the tutorial area.
f.. If a (similar) tutorial was previously held, the location (i.e.
which conference), date, and the number of attendees.
All tutorial proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers and the
tutorial co-chairs, based on the quality of the submitted proposals, the
qualification of the presenters, relevance to the conference, and balance of
Important dates
Tutorials submission deadline:
Friday, October 5, 2007 (24:00 GMT)
Notification date:
Friday, December 7, 2007
For further information, please contact the Tutorials co-chairs.
Tutorials Co-Chairs
Maria Roussou (Greece) and Jason Leigh (US)
Tutorials Program Committee
Sabine Coquillart (France)
Jan Kautz (UK)
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann (Switzerland)
David Nahon (France)
Ana Paiva (Portugal)
George Papaioannou (Greece)
Dave Pape (US)
Simon Prince (UK)
Dieter Schmalstieg (Austria)
Franco Tecchia (Italy)