=SCA 2020 Call for Posters=
Dear Colleagues,
This year, the 19th annual ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on
Computer Animation (SCA), the premier forum for innovations in the
software and technology of computer animation, will be held online,
September 2020 (dates to be announced soon).
We would like to bring your attention to our call for posters. Our
poster track is an ideal venue for researchers to
share their theories and innovations with peers and collaborators. Fresh
content generates discussion, feedback, and inspiration. Moreover, we
are happy to announce that poster abstracts (up to two pages in length)
will be included in the Eurographics Digital Library.
We look forward to receive your submissions,
and we hope to see you all in cyberspace!
Poster Instructions:
* Submission via email to <mailto:sca2020@computationalsciences.org>
* SCA will be using the Eurographics / Computer Graphics Forum style
* Submission deadline: August 29, 2020
* Notification of acceptance: September 3, 2020
Electronic Submission:
All poster abstracts should be submitted via email to
sca2020(a)computationalsciences.org by the submission deadline.
Each email message must be less than 25MB. If this is not sufficient for
your submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission
in parts as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials,
links to external websites are allowed.
Submission Instructions:
Poster abstracts are permitted to be up to three pages in length
(including references, acknowledgements, etc.) and have
to be submitted as a singe PDF file. Poster abstracts should be written
and presented in English. Submissions must be camera-ready, with author
names and affiliations listed. The review process will be single blind.
Supplemental material such as videos may also be submitted
electronically and will be made available to reviewers. Please find the
LaTeX template here. Finally, we also encourage the authors to submit a
PDF draft of the poster of size A0 as supplemental material.
Further Information:
Poster abstracts will be included in the Eurographics Digital Library.