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SIGRAD 2010,
Call for papers
SIGRAD, the Swedish Chapter of Eurographics, invites contributions to
the conference SIGRAD 2010, which will be held at Mälardalen University
in Västerås, Sweden, during November 25-26, 2010.
The selected theme of this year's conference is "Content Aggregation and
Visualization". As seen in the list of topics below, however, we also
invite full papers and short papers on all other aspects of interactive
computer graphics and visualization. Topics for submissions include but
are not limited to the following
Content creation and visualization from digital libraries
Live content generation from existing media archives
Methods for live multimedia and video play back
Solutions and algorithms for virtual/augmented reality applications
User interfaces for media rich applications
Human-computer interaction
Industrial applications
Information Visualization
Visualization systems and software architectures
Real-time rendering
Procedural methods and texture synthesis
Spatial data structures
Parallel graphics algorithms
Experimental studies of existing methods and techniques
Training and education
Teaching interaction, computer graphics, and visualization
Instructions to the authors
Submissions may be full research papers or short papers describing
proven and tested solutions, novel ideas, work-in-progress and/or recent
results. Short papers should be no longer than 4 pages, while full
papers should not exceed 10 pages in length. Note that both types of
submissions must be formatted according to the same recommended style
mentioned below, and all accepted papers will be published in the
Proceedings of the conference. Authors retain the copyright to their work.
Authors are requested to submit their paper by September 15th, 2010 by
email to submissions2010(a)sigrad.se. The subject of the email should be
"SIGRAD submission". Authors experiencing problems with electronic
submission of contributions should contact the conference chair
directly. The submission email should contain the names and institutions
of all authors, contact information of one contact author (name, e-mail
and phone), and the title and abstract of the submission.
Use the Eurographics authors' guidelines. LaTeX style and template is
available at
Important deadlines
Paper submission deadline: September 15, 2010
Author notification: October 15, 2010
Conference registration is open until: November 5, 2010
Conference Co-Chairs
Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University, thomas.larsson ( at ) mdh.se
Lars Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology, lassekj ( at ) csc.kth.se
Rikard Lindell, Mälardalen University, rikard.lindell ( at ) mdh.se
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Telestream AB, kai ( at ) sigrad.se
Damir Isovic, Mälardalen University, damir.isovic ( at ) mdh.se
International programme committee
Tomas Akenine-Möller, Lund University
Ulf Assarsson, Chalmers University of Technology
Baran Curuklu, Mälardalen University
Mark E Dieckmann, Linköping University
Modris Dobelis, Riga Technical University
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, Mälardalen University
Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology
Anders Hast, University of Gävle
Damir Isovic, Mälardalen University
Kai-Mikael Jää-Aro, Telestream AB
Ivana Kolingerova, University of West Bohemia
Thomas Larsson, Mälardalen University
Rikard Lindell, Mälardalen University
Lars Kjelldahl, Royal Institute of Technology
Stefan Seipel, University of Gävle
Jon Sporring, University of Copenhagen
Gustav Taxén, Royal Institute of Technology
Anders Ynnerman, Linköping University
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