ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2008
July 7-9, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Conference Chairs:
Eugene Fiume (University of Toronto)
Jerry Tessendorf (Rhythm & Hues Studios)
Program Chairs:
Markus Gross (ETH Zurich)
Doug James (Cornell University)
Symposium's web site:
After six very successful symposia, SCA has become the leading forum for
dissemination of the latest research results in computer animation. The goal
of SCA'08 is to provide an opportunity for researchers in computer animation
to interact, share new results, show live demonstrations of their work, and
discuss emerging directions for the field. Keynote presentations will also
be given by leaders from the animation community:
* Markus Kurtz (Rhythm and Hues Studios)
* Jos Stam (Autodesk)
A full proceedings will be published at the time of the Symposium and will
appear in the EG and ACM digital libraries. Topics of interest include, but
are not limited to:
* autonomous characters
* physically based animation (fluids, solids, ...)
* facial animation
* real-time animation, animation for games
* group and crowd behavior
* expressive motion / communication
* nonphotorealistic animation
* physical realism / measuring the real world for animation
* nature in motion (natural phenomena, plants, clouds, ...)
* planning / learning / optimization for animation
* intuitive interfaces for creating and editing animations
* sound and speech for animation
* perceptual metrics for animation
* mathematical foundations of animation
* 2D animation systems
* new time-based art forms on the computer
Important Dates
Apr 18, 2008: Deadline for paper submissions
Apr 25, 2008: Deadline for submission of scientific and industry posters
May 16, 2008: Notification of acceptance for papers and posters
May 23, 2008: Deadline for camera-ready lab posters and posters invited
from papers
May 30, 2008: Notification of acceptance for lab and invited posters
May 30, 2008: Camera-ready papers due
Jul 7-9 2008: Symposium
Thanks to a significant donation from Science Foundation Ireland, all
students are eligible to apply for travel bursaries to help defray travel
costs. More details on the website.
Full Papers
Paper submissions must be anonymous, should not exceed 10 A4 pages, and
should be formatted according to the EG publication style. Papers should be
written and presented in English. Authors must include a declaration
stating that the main contribution claimed in their paper has not previously
appeared in, and is not currently submitted to, any other conference or
To be considered for review, all papers must be submitted electronically
through the SCA submission website:
Full submission instructions and templates are available there.
Supplementary material such as videos may also be submitted electronically
and will be made available to reviewers.
All papers will be reviewed carefully by the International Program Committee
members. Given the limited time between submission and final version, papers
will be evaluated as submitted.
Authors of accepted papers will be responsible for preparing a final
camera-ready electronic version of their paper. In addition to the printed
proceedings, a DVD-ROM will be published with supplemental materials. If an
author submits supplemental materials for review with their paper, that
material (or a revised version) must also be provided by the authors for
inclusion on the DVD-ROM.
Authors of some rejected papers with high potential will be invited to
submit their work to the combined posters and demos sessions.
Posters and Demos
A poster and demo presentation is the perfect opportunity for authors to
display and discuss late-breaking technical achievements that are either not
ready or not suitable for publication as full papers.
The poster and demo session will be an integral part of the SCA program,
with specific time allotted for poster presenters and symposium participants
to view and discuss the work. A pamphlet containing summaries of the posters
will be distributed to all participants, and all presenters will have the
opportunity to give a one-minute description of their work during a poster
fast-forward session.
This year, there are two deadlines for different types of posters. The first
is for scientific and industry posters. This deadline is near to the time of
the paper deadline, as these posters will be reviewed by the International
Program Committee members. The second deadline is for invited and lab
Poster presentations are not formal publications, so work submitted as a
poster is still eligible for later publication in a journal or conference
We encourage any of the following types of poster submissions:
* Up and coming computer animation research
* Technically novel production work
* Work done outside of SCA that would be of interest to the computer
animation community. This includes animation-related works recently accepted
to other conferences such as I3D or NPAR, or the SIGGRAPH Sketches program.
* Lab overviews which present a snapshot of the ongoing animation-related
research at a given institution.
Please note that in order to maintain the quality of discussions and
interactivity at the poster session, there must be at least one dedicated
presenter for each poster.
The submission for a poster should consist of a summary of no more than 2
pages in length. Each submission must be saved as PDF and formatted
according to the EG publication style. Submissions must be camera-ready.
This means that author names must be present in the submission. The review
process will be single blind.
Supplementary Materials
The submission of supplementary materials is not required; however, a draft
of the poster in PDF format is encouraged. For the final presentation,
videos and interactive demonstrations are also highly encouraged. We will
provide electrical outlets and tables so that authors can display such
demonstrations using their own equipment.
Electronic Submission
All PDF poster summaries should be submitted via email to
SCA2008.Posters(a)gmail.com by the deadline. Due to GMails limits, each email
message must be less than 10MB. If this is not sufficient for your
submission or supplemental materials, you may send your submission in parts
as attachments to several emails. For supplemental materials, links to
external websites are also allowable.
Fast Forward Slide
Authors of accepted posters will be required to provide a PowerPoint slide
describing their work for the poster fast forward presentation session.
Details about preparation of the slide will be provided later via email to
accepted presenters.
Prof. Carol O'Sullivan
GV2: Graphics, Vision and Visualisation group
Computer Science Dept, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Phone +353 1 8961220, Fax: +353 1 8963677
Dean of Graduate Studies, Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
Phone +353 1 896 1561