Dear all,
call for Student Volunteers is now open and available at the following website:
For MSc students, PhD students and young research fellows:
being a SV is a great way to attend EG, get in touch with the graphics community, and meet
new people.
For senior researchers:
please share the link of the call with the young members of your group.
This will help us spread the voice and reach as many students as possible.
The submission deadline is March 5, 2019
Make sure you don't miss it!
Marco Livesu,
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche (IMATI)
Via de Marini, 6
16149 Genova, Italia
mail: marco.livesu(a) <>
skype: cino.83