Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2009
June 29 - July 1, Girona, Spain
2nd Call for Papers
Paper deadline: April 20
The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2009 will take place in
Girona, Spain, from June 29 to July 1, 2009. This is the 20th annual
event in the series of very successful Eurographics Symposia on
Rendering and Eurographics Workshops on Rendering.
The local organizers are Celine Loscos and Ignacio Martín. The program
chairs are Hendrik Lensch and Peter-Pike Sloan. Up-to-date information
about the conference is available on the EGSR 2009 web site:
Conference Topics
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Global illumination
- Reflectance, volumetric scattering and translucency
- Human perception and error measures
- Rendering hardware and its application
- Computational photography
- Rendering dynamic/animated environments
- Shadows and visibility
- Monte Carlo techniques
- Finite element techniques
- Sampling, filtering, and anti-aliasing
- Texture models, analysis, and synthesis
- Non-photorealistic rendering
- Image-based measurement and rendering
- Sensing for graphics
- Point-based rendering
- Real-time rendering and real-time ray tracing
- Systems and software architecture for rendering
- Virtual/augmented reality and interactive systems
The proceedings of EGSR will be a special issue of the journal
Computer Graphics Forum. This will improve the availability of EGSR
papers and make them citable as journal articles. Because of this
there will be a brief second review cycle for any papers that require
changes to be accepted; such papers will only be accepted after the
changes have been confirmed by the program committee.
Important Dates
All deadlines are 11:59 p.m., US Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
Abstract submission deadline: Thursday, April 16
Paper submission deadline: Monday, April 20
Author notification: Wednesday, May 20
Revisions due: Wednesday, May 27
Final PDF files due for printing: Friday, May 29
Symposium: June 29 - July 1
The EGSR review and publication process is very short, and to achieve
this quick turnaround all deadlines must be strictly observed. In
particular, final PDF files for printing must be finished on time.
Keynote Speakers:
Thomas Haegele, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Joe Marks, Walt Disney Animation Studios
International Program Committee
Program Chairs: Hendrik Lensch (D) and Peter-Pike Sloan (US)
International Program Committee:
Aseem Agarwala (US) Timo Aila (FI)
Thomas Annen (US) Okan Arikan (US)
Kavita Bala (US) Philippe Bekaert (BE)
Jiri Bittner (CZ) Volker Blanz (DE)
Yiorgos Chrysanthou (CY) Paolo Cignoni (IT)
Carsten Dachsbacher (DE) Oliver Deussen (DE)
Craig Donner (US) Elmar Eisemann (FR)
Raanan Fattal (IL) Michael Goesele (DE)
Baining Guo (CN) Vlastimil Havran (CZ)
Aaron Herzmann (CA) Stefan Jeschke (AT)
Jan Kautz (UK) Janne Kontkanen (US)
Jaroslav Krivanek (CZ) Samuli Laine (FI)
Jason Lawrence (US) Sylvain Lefebvre (FR)
Jaakko Lehtinen (US) Marcus Magnor (DE)
Bill Mark (US) Steve Marschner (US)
Tom Mertens (BE) Jason Mitchell (US)
Gero Mueller (DE) Karol Myszkowski (DE)
Sylvain Paris (US) Sumanta Pattanaik (US)
Pieter Peers (US) Kari Pulli (US)
Ravi Ramamoorthi (US) Eric Reinhard (UK)
Holly Rushmeier (US) Szymon Rusinkiewicz (US)
Pedro Sander (HK) Mateu Sbert (ES)
Pete Shirley (US) Philipp Slusallek (DE)
Brian Smits (US) John Snyder (US)
Marc Stamminger (DE) Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos (HU)
Bruce Walter (US) Rui Wang (US)
Greg Ward (CA) Tim Weyrich (UK)
Alexander Wilkie (CZ) Andrew Willmot (US)
Michael Wimmer (AT) Chris Wyman (US)
Kun Zhou (CN) Matthias Zwicker (CH)
Local Organizing Chairs: Celine Loscos (E) and Ignacio Martín (E)
Instructions for Submission
All contributions submitted to Eurographics Symposium on Rendering
2009 must be original, unpublished work. Any work that has previously
been published or simultaneously been submitted in substantially
similar form to any other conference or journal will be
rejected. Contributions must be written and presented in English.
Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Submitted manuscripts
should be formatted using the Eurographics publication style
proceedings templates, and be anonymized for the double-blind
reviewing process.
Papers should be as long as their content requires, but not
longer. Papers with average length requirements are expected to be 8
formatted pages long, including references and all figures; up to 10
pages will be allowed only where justified. During the review process,
each paper's contribution will be judged in proportion to its length:
a solid contribution described clearly and succinctly is more likely
to be accepted than the same result submitted in a longer paper.
All submissions must be made through the Eurographics Submission and
Review Management system, using the following URL.
The submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. The authors of
each accepted paper need to complete and return the EG Copyright
Assignment Form before the paper can be published.